Pieck Finger

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Blood status: Muggle-born.
Again, since we don't know much about Pieck's family (just that her father was sick and we saw him a couple of times on screen) and since she has always been disadvantaged by racism, it makes sense that she comes from a Muggle family and, well, this helps to demonstrate that the purity of the blood has nothing to do with talent, since she is an extraordinary witch.

Quidditch: Seeker of her team.

Favorite class: Study of ancient runes.

Patronus: German Shepherd.
The German Shepherd is smart, agile, stubborn and always on the alert. It's also a loving, loyal and good-natured family companion.

House: Ravenclaw.
It seems that when placing Pieck in a house we all agree that she belongs to Ravenclaw, but in case someone is not very clear or thinks otherwise, let's see why she is from this house.

Why isn't Pieck a Slytherin?
Pieck has never been shown to us as a leader at all, even if she can take the reins with her own squad, she does not seem to be someone made to lead and in her team it was Zeke and Reiner who were in charge so she has always rather been in a soldier role; she has not been shown to us as someone ambitious either, in fact she seems to be very conformist because as long as her father and comrades are well she has enough, she did not even care to shorten her life and enlist to help her father's health, for what she has no sense of self-preservation; however, she is strong, cautious, intelligent and well-oriented towards her achievements; although we are not shown her to have a disdain for rules, while she does not trust Marley this is more because of what she notices in them and not because she doesn't like following rules in general.

Why isn't Pieck a Gryffindor?
Pieck has a great mettle, she is daring, brave and also chivalrous; she never gives up even with everything against her, as we saw in her mission to infiltrate Paradis because it would have been easier for her to join Eren but she has always believed in her comrades so she risks more for them and defends them no matter how hard the situation is; however, we have never seen her break the rules if necessary since the situation never arose and she is not someone who likes challenges, proves herself or sees obstacles as an opportunity to show who she really is, because she has no interest on it.

Why is Pieck a Hufflepuff but she is not placed in this house?
Pieck is a very hard-working person, to the point of spending months inside her titan for her missions, even making her forget how to walk on two legs when she returns to human form; she is friendly, humble and shows no prejudice; she is also very loyal because although she does not trust Marley, her loyalty is for her companions and she could never betray them and would do everything for them; neither does she have an interest in competitiveness nor does she especially brag about her achievements.
However, even though she fits into this house I think it doesn't bring out as much of her personality anywhere near as much as Ravenclaw's characteristics.

Why is Pieck a Ravenclaw and is placed in this house?
In Pieck we have seen a lot how her wisdom, intellect and ingenuity stand out and predominate; she is always with her head held high for her ideas and methods because she always knows what to do and how to do it, she is also considered a somewhat unusual person for her way of being and acting (especially for her behaviors thanks to her quadrupedal titan) and has impressive academic skills; as I have already explained, she is also a diligent worker and she is also someone who does not stay in the typical because she is very creative.

Bonus fact: She is a metamorphmagus.
Ps: In her fifth year she was a prefect along with Armin (I know they're not the same age but here let's say they're so they can be the amazing badass smart team we deserved, thank you).

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