Levi Ackerman

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Blood status: Half-blood.
This one is pretty easy, Levi's mom is an Ackerman (important clan in the story) and his dad is a random person who paid to sleep with her once. Easy, that translates for us to a witch and a muggle.

Quidditch: In his student days he was a chaser and vice-captain of his team.

Favorite Class: Ghoul Studies.

Patronus: Cat.
Has a strong and independent personality. Follows his own will. Is cautious, flighty and mysterious. Also, a hunter and loves cleanliness.

House: Gryffindor.
When it comes to placing Levi in ​​a house I have seen him once in Ravenclaw, several in Hufflepuff and others in Slytherin. I've even seen people say "Obviously Slytherin because he's an Ackerman", which I tell you doesn't make sense because not all Ackermans share personality, much less motivations, but it seems to me that it has more to do with a type of frivolous and superficial "They're cool so they're Slytherin" thought, what can I say. Let's move on to why these houses don't belong to you.

Why is Levi not a Ravenclaw?
As we know Levi is smart and witty, we can infer that he had good academic grades for the same reason; however, he is not proud at all, he does not feel personal satisfaction for his own ideas, plans or achievements, doesn't care about that type of stuff at all; he is not an unusual or eccentric person either, in fact he does not usually understand what these types of people think; he is hard-working and rational but we never see him being a curious person, since even if he does want to understand the world they are in and what he is facing, he has never been seen wondering and pursuing aspirations to know more and more about all the mysteries of his world .

Why is Levi not a Hufflepuff?
Levi is hard-working, humble and extremely loyal (in my opinion the characteristic why many people put the Ackermans in Hufflepuff too); as soon as he is not competitive, he is very upset that he is underestimated because of his origins, so he feels the need to prove himself in such situations, as we saw in his OVA; he is not a friendly person either because he is always quite unfriendly with the people he knows, so much so that many people get the wrong idea of ​​him and are even afraid of him; he also sometimes shows a few prejudices although they are never anything important since it does not completely influence his view of a person and it is never about something important but rather things related to the humorous parts of the story.

Why is Levi not a Slytherin?
Levi is a determined leader, strong and cunning, he is also cautious, intelligent and does not usually respect the rules very much, the most obvious example being his OVA although it is an attitude that we see constantly throughout the story; however, he is not an ambitious person at all, in fact quite the contrary, nor with developed senses of self-preservation, he would never put himself ahead of others, and on the contrary he cares a lot about his colleagues and subordinates being able to risk his life for them .

Why is Levi a Gryffindor?
Levi has a great temper, daring, bravery and courage, as we have seen throughout the series, although he is not the most chivalrous of all; he never gives up and defends his beliefs a lot, so much so that a large part of his character is based on fully trusting what he does and never regretting it; he has no problem breaking the rules to do what needs to be done, as we saw when he beat up Eren in the trial, in Stohess's plan, in his OVA, etc; he doesn't feel the need for obstacles to prove himself but if someone underestimates him, as in his OVA, he will take advantage of every challenge in front of him to reaffirm himself and show others his true worth.

Extra fact: His mother was an obscurial, more specifically a strange obscurial who managed to survive until she was 21 years old, which is why Levi couldn't spend much time with her nor remember anything from those moments.
Ps: Now he's the head of Gryffindor.

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