Jean Kirstein

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Blood status: Muggle-born.
Yes, I know what you are thinking. Since Jean at the beginning of the story is somewhat cocky and well-off since he had a normal childhood, it would make sense that he was from a pure-blood family where he felt like superior, right? Well, I feel that we can fit it better.
As we know, we have no information about Jean's family, we saw a bit of his mother in his OVA and we never saw his father, he is also one of the few characters we know who had an ordinary childhood, his parents are not relevant in the story and they are barely mentioned even in the worst situations because they don't connect with the story. For this same reason I see them as if they were muggles who are unaware of the world of magic. Jean being from a family of ordinary muggles and it turns out to be the only one who genuinely has magic I see him feeling like someone extremely special for this very reason, that's where a large part of his ego would come from when he entered school, however his development towards a more conscious and humble person happens when he noticed that not everything is as he thought because in the world of magic coming from a family without magic is not special, but rather a sign of impurity for many and there is a lot of classism around this very thing.

Patronus: Horse.
Yes, how ironic, although in the story it is a joke thanks to his long face, because in fact Jean does share traits of personality and spirit with this animal.
The horse is usually intelligent, talkative, communicative and sociable, which does not prevent him from being extremely independent and with a strong temperament that leads him to act somewhat out of control in certain situations.

Quidditch: Chaser and vice-captain of his team.

Favorite Class: Defense Against the Dark Arts.

House: Slytherin.
When it comes to placing Jean in a house I see quite a bit of him being placed in Gryffindor and maybe occasionally in Ravenclaw (although I don't think I've ever seen him being placed in Hufflepuff), but let's talk about why he's a Slytherin.

Why isn't Jean a Hufflepuff?
Jean is not a particularly humble person, although his ego has been reduced a lot with his evolution and we have seen him recognizing his weaknesses and having insecurities, even so he has never stopped being a self-confident person who liked himself, making him rub a little presumptuous with the things he does well, although he certainly does not do it with the most important things to give himself more importance than he has; Jean knows how to work for what he wants but in turn he does it mostly with the goal of reaching a quiet and comfortable life later in which he does not have to make much effort, however in the survey corps he constantly puts his life on the line, for what is a characteristic that he has although it does not fill him completely; Jean has shown to have certain prejudices when it comes to judging people, such as thinking that Armin was just Eren's shadow for always being attached to him and being surprised to see his true abilities or thinking that Marco would be lying about wanting to serve the king and that all he was looking for was a comfortable life in the interior because that is what he himself did want; Jean is also a really competitive and not very modest person, we see this many times but to give the most notorious and relevant example, we only have to look at his relationship with Eren. The one characteristic of this house that I think suits him completely is his loyalty.

Why isn't Jean a Ravenclaw?
As we know, Jean is an intelligent and ingenious person, but the rest of the characteristics of the house do not match him so well. We have no knowledge about Jean's academic achievements and although they must have been good due to his intellect, he has not been particularly interested in them during the story; Jean's motivations have never been driven by learning but by his goals, environment and loved ones; although it is true that Jean usually feels pride in his own ideas and achievements; Jean has not presented himself to us as someone particularly peculiar or unusual either, in fact he usually feels that this type of persons are strange (although he often ends up not caring because he becomes fond of them as well); he hasn't come across as a particularly curious person despite the environment he lives in; he has shown to be rational although under a lot of pressure his feelings can also interfere with his logical decisions; and as I have already described although he is a hardworking person he is not the most diligent about it.

Why isn't Jean a Gryffindor?
Jean is a daring, brave and courageous person, because he has been able to challenge his fear to move forward and face very difficult situations; however, Jean often doubts his goals and what he wants, even if he always ends up choosing to help humanity and his loved ones, we have also seen him conflicted or regarding his goals on more than one occasion, when it comes to defending what he most believes in, he is capable of admitting that he doubts a lot about it because it contradicts other things that he also wants and would like to do, and in extreme situations he can give in to the latter (although in the end he would always make the right decision); Jean is also not a particularly chivalrous person in general unless it is, from what we have been able to see, something romantic; during his training he did like to test himself (mostly because of his ego), although he didn't like being made very difficult, but this was to increase his merits and reach the top 10 of his troop to be able to go to the police military, although he really liked to show how good he is, in his day-to-day life he prefers not to get challenges and does not see obstacles in a positive way for personal satisfaction, but rather appreciates tranquility more.

So, why is Jean a Slytherin?
We have been explicitly shown many times throughout the story that Jean is a great born leader even explicitly telling us that he must become a squad leader; Although his goals are usually quite simplistic, he does want a good number of things to have his dream life and be satisfied, things that he pursues with ambition; he is a strong and usually determined person (although sometimes his doubts can make him doubt in certain cases); Jean does not usually let himself be carried away by his first instincts as much as at the beginning of the story, he always tends to question what happens before acting instead of just doing it to act correctly and not do the wrong thing (so much so that sometimes it works against him, such as when he questioned whether it was correct to kill Falco to finish off Pieck because even when he came to the decision that it was, his moment of doubt gave Pieck the necessary second to make him fail); Jean is certainly very intelligent, loyal and resourceful, in addition to the fact that he does not respect his system very much and does not like the rules that are established for him; Jean also has a strong sense of self-preservation and although we finally know that he will never get ahead of his loved ones, it is undeniable that he possesses this quality and that he thinks and acts on more than one occasion based on it.

Extra fact: He got to be prefect but never the head boy.

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