Annie Leonhart

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Blood Status: Half-Blood.
We will keep her bloodline as in the story, she is half-blood, her mother was Marleyan, her father was an Eldian. Let's say that her mother was a witch from a very classist and strict pure-blood family and her father was a muggle. Her adoptive father is a wizard who was in the same situation as her.

Quidditch: Beater for her team.

Favorite class: Transfiguration.

Patronus: Praying Mantis.
Do you know how the warriors are the other side of the coin of our leading trio? Well, Annie is the counterpart of Mikasa, Mikasa has always been related to butterflies and in her typical phrase "This world is cruel, but also beautiful" we have seen an image of a praying mantis devouring a butterfly, so when looking for an animal for Annie I thought of that same one, besides I'm pretty sure that when we saw Reiner's past and we see Annie crushing insects, it was a praying mantis, even when she tells her past and says that she did not care about lives or her own, she is seen crushing another. So this is definitely her animal in my opinion and I did my research and there are characteristics that fit.
The mantis prefers a solitary life, spending most of the day still, as this way it camouflages itself with its surroundings and remains safe from predators that can kill it. In addition, in this way they are not detected by their prey either, which are unaware that they are being watched by their attentive and patient gaze.

House: Hufflepuff.
Yeah, I know what you're thinking, Annie, Hufflepuff? I don't know if it fits her. Well, I mean, maybe you're right?
I'm going to say, placing Annie was extremely difficult, by far the hardest for me. She doesn't really fit into any house, there isn't one where I can say 'here she belongs' or 'this really goes with her', Annie doesn't have any set of house traits, she has some clear traits but they are much more mixed up than normal so even the house I assigned her to doesn't fit as well as other characters do in their houses.

Now, speaking of where I usually see her located, well I've never seen her in Ravenclaw, maybe once in Gryffindor, but mostly I see her in Slytherin and honestly it seems exaggerated to me, because as soon as Annie has Slytherin qualities the other half of the characteristics are very opposite to her, so I don't know why so many people are so sure about she going there(? In fact I think it's just a residual effect of "Reserved and cold=Slytherin". But let's break this down.

Why isn't Annie a Ravenclaw?
Annie is quick-witted, rational, and intelligent; we don't know much about her academic grades but seeing her actions during the story and the position that Isayama gave her when evaluating her intelligence we can assume that they were good; however, she was not a very motivated student because she was presumed as someone who always used to slack off in class because she did not make an effort for things that did not generate interest or utility, although she is hardworking in matters of interest to her; she is not someone with peculiar interests or eccentric, she is not very curious either since due to her childhood traumas for domestic violence her perspective of her world and her interest in it have been extremely limited; she also doesn't show pride in her plans or her ideas, it's something she doesn't care about at all.

Why isn't Annie a Slytherin?
Annie has never been shown to us as a leader and in fact we have been shown that she is not someone made for this role at all and that she could not take it; she is not ambitious but on the contrary, she is extremely conformist, all she wants in the world is to see her father again and with that she will be happy (yes, this is a result of the abuse trauma he subjected her to her whole life affecting her perspective of reality but unfortunately it is what touched to her and what is part of her personality so this is still her); she has shown to be able to be cunning, determined and strong, as well as being well-oriented towards her goals; however, she is not really cautious, she can be very deceiving but she is not, obviously she is intelligent but Isayama confirmed that the reason why in Paradis she used to stay away from everyone so much is because she is not good at hiding her emotions (something that it doesn't make much sense when you think that she always had a very good poker face but it does make sense when you think about situations where she was in a very close moment with someone else, like her famous reaction when she was discovered for giving the most notorious example ), this shows that in a difficult situation where she must make a decision while undercover, it is most likely that Annie will not be able to think correctly or control her emotions, causing her to give herself away; I wouldn't say that Annie has high senses of self-preservation either, I mean we all know that she does everything she can to survive to get back to her home but she really doesn't do it for wanting to stay safe or stay alive, she doesn't really care about herself, the reason why she always tries to survive is to see her father thanks to the traumas she has from him; although I have to admit that she is very loyal and has no respect for the rules.

Why isn't Annie a Gryffindor?
Annie is very brave and daring, she has courage; she is capable of defending with everything she has what she believes in and does not give up even with everything against her; she doesn't mind breaking the rules if she has to; however, she has no interest in challenges or in proving herself, she does not see the case in fact; neither does she see the obstacles in a positive way nor does she seek to take advantage of them to prove herself, in reality on the contrary, she wants to get rid of them as soon as possible in order to reach her goal as soon as possible.

Why is Annie positioned in Hufflepuff?
As soon as Annie is not very friendly because she isolates herself from everyone for reasons already mentioned previously, she is extremely loyal, humble and does not have prejudices against people, since in fact she tends to read them very well, as she did with Marlo to give an example; also although she tends to dawdle in things that don't interest her, she does put a lot of hard work into what she really cares about; she doesn't care about the competition at all either, she doesn't look at others but at her own goals and being able to achieve them, she has no desire to beat others (the only time we saw her do something similar was when she beat Reiner and Eren in combat but she wasn't doing it because she wanted to compete with them but because Reiner intentionally made her angry).
So I just feel like it's the best fit for her.

Extra fact: She is one of the best quidditch players and one of the best in defense against the dark arts. She also has black cat that she takes to Hogwarts.

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