Reiner Braun

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Blood Status: Half-Blood.
We will keep Reiner's bloodline as his father is Marleyan and his mother is Eldian. We will translate it to that he was from a very strict and classist pure-blood family, while his mother was a Muggle.

Quidditch: Chaser and team captain (much to Porco's annoyance).

Favorite class: Alchemy.

Patronus: Bull.
The bull is strong, noble and robust, he exercises a kind of leadership within the group, although it is necessary to point out that this domination must also be obtained before the others. In general, he is a docile animal, but there are breeds whose characteristics are more aggressive.

House: Gryffindor.
When it comes to placing Reiner in a house we all seem to agree that he belongs to Gryffindor but in case there is someone who thinks differently, let's see why he belongs to this house.

Why is Reiner not a Slytherin?
As we have seen, Reiner is able to take on the role of leader in the group and guide others, however in very difficult situations he can break under pressure and lose his way, which is not convenient for a leader; Reiner is also cunning as we have witnessed in the moments of infiltrating him; however, he is not very determined or oriented to his goals since much of his story is about how conflicted he is all the time between all his goals, not only between his role as a soldier and a warrior because we have also seen this in his desire to die and his desire to protect Falco and Gabi, among other things; however, Reiner is cautious, smart and strong; although he does not has a disdain for the rules nor he has a sense of self-preservation because in addition to his suicide attempts, in general he has never wanted to survive because he gave special importance to his live but because he wanted to obtain some recognition with his achievements, something that over time of the years has completely disappeared since he had great ambitions because he had always been instructed that he must be someone great to obtain happiness in return (which for Reiner would be to live with his father and mother being happy, in addition to being seen as a hero) but we already know that he ended up giving this up and hating himself for what he has done, so he expects nothing more from life than his death.

Why is Reiner not a Ravenclaw?
Reiner is a person with a lot of motivation and academic dedication, as we saw in his training at Marley, someone intelligent and ingenious, so much so that Eren points him out as someone who would not fall into the traps of the scouts since he would surely notice what it was about since he had always shown himself to be very wise and had good grades in the theory and strategy classes during his training in Paradis; he is also a diligent worker, but he is not someone who is currently proud of his ideas or methods, quite the contrary as I have already explained, nor is he someone who is considered unusual or eccentric, as he is in fact a more kind of manual.

Why is Reiner a Hufflepuff but he is not situated in this house?
Reiner is a very hard-working person, as we saw during his training and even being willing to make it harder for him just to help Armin; he is also a friendly person, so much so that he has been referred to as an older brother to everyone in the troop, he is also humble (although it is also due to his insecurity) and has no prejudices; he used to be quite competitive and proud about his achievements but over the years this has disappeared in Paradis for obvious reasons; he is also very loyal since his mind went through such a great trauma when he realized that his mother country had lied to him all his life and that he must betray his friends that he ended up developing a dissociative personality disorder and even despite having gone against Paradis and continue with Marley, he has always remained loyal to his family, especially Gabi being an apprentice warrior, trying to protect her from Marley's evils.
So yeah, he fits in very well but I don't think as much as he does with Gryffindor.

Why is Reiner a Gryffindor and he is placed in this house?
Reiner is someone who has been very characterized by his courage and daring, from jumping towards a titan letting it chew his arm to save Connie, going through lifting it in his arms to throw it out a window and even risking everything by making a surprise attack on Paradis instead of waiting for the world alliance; he also has a great temper, he is chivalrous and has no problem breaking the rules if necessary; he has always been the kind of person who has stood up for what he believes in without giving up, both as a child regarding his loyalty to Marley and as an adult regarding his need to protect Gabi from his dark destiny, as much as she wants to inherit the armored; and although as I said Reiner is no longer the competitive person he was as a child, I would say that there is something in him that still needs to prove his worth, although he hates himself and what he has done, Reiner still needs to know that he has fulfilled his mission and helped the world before leaving, as we saw when he believed that Zeke had been defeated, so I do consider that in the obstacles he is still going to show who he really is and that is why he welcomes challenges, with Liberio being an exception rather than a rule.

Bonus fact: He hates the transformation class.

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