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Blood status: Muggle-born.
We have no idea about anything about Ymir's family and on top of that she was an orphan who lived on the street barely surviving. I clearly identified her as someone who grew up outside of the magical environment and if she was taken in by people who only used her, she would probably find out that she was a witch by receiving her letter from Hogwarts and it was her salvation and way of living her own life being who she really is.

Quidditch: She doesn't play it, she considers it an unnecessarily violent and silly game. She also doesn't watch the games or care about the teams.

Favorite class: Transfiguration.

Patronus: Raven.
Ravens are self-aware, able to plan, build tools and solve problems logically, they can also inhibit their impulses to achieve greater benefits. They are enigmatic and fascinating creatures that defy our logic.

House: Ravenclaw.
When it comes to placing Ymir in a house I always see that she is placed in Slytherin, which can fit because of her cunning and intelligence but not for many other things, however many place her there because of her selfishness which does not match for two reasons: the first is that the Slytherins are not selfish, since as soon as they have qualities that lend themselves to this, such as ambition or self-preservation, they still can exist without being selfish, and the second is that despite the fact that Ymir defends being selfish and living for oneself, it is the character's own irony that she is not, if you think Ymir is selfish I am warning that you have not been paying attention to the story. But let's keep going.

Why isn't Ymir a Hufflepuff?
Ymir is an extremely loyal person, as we have seen in her relationship with Historia, to give the best example; it seems that because of her level in training and all the effort she also puts into what matters to her, she shows that she is a hard worker; however, she is not someone very humble since she is someone who is really confident in herself and who from time to time mockingly brags about the things she does well and others do not, in addition to the fact that she tends to have prejudices about people all the time and, well, I wouldn't say she's particularly friendly as she doesn't get close to many people and when she does she isn't exactly the nicest as she tends to tease a lot, be so honest that she has no filter and read them so well that she can criticize their faults; although she is not exactly competitive because she could let Historia get her place in the troop but in turn she also seems to enjoy showing that she is good and winning.

Why isn't Ymir a Gryffindor?
Ymir is very brave and has courage, however I don't think it is something that stands out especially in her personality but rather something that we know that she is capable of doing given dangerous situations or that kind; she has a good temper but she is not very chivalrous, although we have seen her give up in breaking situations, like when she was arrested or like when she went with Reiner and Bertholdt despite having to sacrifice her own goal of living for herself as she wanted; in any case, she is capable of anything to defend what she believes in, as we have seen repeatedly, and she is capable of breaking the rules if necessary; she also seems to like to show what she has and win, however she doesn't seem to get to the point of loving challenges or seeing obstacles as opportunities to prove herself.

Why is Ymir not a Slytherin?
Ymir has never shown herself to us as a leader because as soon as she can take control of the situation we have never seen her with interest in or directly leading others; she is not ambitious either but rather the opposite because she settles for little in her life to being at ease, with her being able to live doing what she wants and with those she loves safely is enough for her; however, she is cunning, cautious, determined, intelligent, she does not respect the rules and is well oriented to her goals; in any case, she does not have a good sense of self-preservation because as soon as she wants to survive to live her life, she also constantly risks it to save Historia and it is only necessary to see how her character ended up going with Reiner and Bertholdt to know that she really is the complete opposite of someone who always prioritizes their own survival.

Why is Ymir a Ravenclaw?
As we know Ymir is someone very intelligent and resourceful; is proud and confident of her ideas and of what she does, she seems to have been a good recruit considering that it was consolidated that in reality she corresponded to position number 10 of her troop but that she left it to Historia so she could go to the military police and by her intellect we can intuit that she must had good academic grades; she is definitely someone who would practice different types of magic outside of class and is considered by others to be quite an unusual person; and as I said, she is a hard worker.

Bonus fact: Her boggart is Historia's corpse.

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