Porco Galliard

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Blood status: Muggle-born.
Again, since we don't know anything about Porco's parents and he has always been disadvantaged by racism, it makes sense that he comes from a muggle family.

Quidditch: Chaser of his team.

Favorite Class: Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Patronus: Wolf.
Although wolves appear to be cold and aggressive, it is true that they are very familiar animals. Wolves have powerful symbolism. They have great instinct, intuition and intelligence. The wolf wanders around working in a social environment looking for freedom (sorry but aka Porco dying wearing the wings of freedom from the survey corps instead of the honorary marleyan sash that was representative of the racist environment he grew up in).

House: Gryffindor.
When it comes to placing Porco in a house, I usually see him in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff (although I think not in Slytherin). However, let's break down why he is a Gryffindor.

Why isn't Porco a Ravenclaw?
While Porco is not stupid, things like learning and intellect do not stand out in him either; we also have no idea how he was in the academic field, although due to his position as a warrior he must have been good and as a student in general he was very motivated and hardworking; although he does take great pride in his achievements and methods since he has a good ego; however he is nobody peculiar or unusual and in fact he considers such things somewhat rare.

Why isn't Porco a Slytherin?
Porco has shown us that he is not a leader and that he would not do a good job in such a role; he is also not someone cunning because he always gets carried away a lot by his emotions so he cannot properly play his cards to get what he wants through manipulation, for this reason he is not very cautious either; however he is very strong and very oriented to his goals, not to mention that he is very ambitious; although he does not have a developed sense of self-preservation since we have seen him put his life at risk to help his companions and once he knew he was going to die instead of doing it peacefully he let Falco eat him alive so his power could pass to a candidate for warrior and his death would not in vain; however, it is true that he is very determined and resourceful, although he has not been shown to have a disdain for rules.

Why isn't Porco a Hufflepuff?
Porco is someone very hardworking as we saw in his training and in each of his missions and he is also extremely loyal to his comrades, even to Reiner who he personally does not like; however, he has quite a few prejudices about people (obviously speaking without mentioning his prejudices to those of Paradis because that is an issue linked to something else), he is also not someone modest about himself or about his achievements, since he is quite presumptuous and he is very competitive, as we see with his relationship with Reiner.

Why is Porco a Gryffindor?
Porco has stood out for his courage and bravery as we can see when he faces Eren without hesitation and with sheer determination; he doesn't have a bad temper or chivalry either; it also stands out a lot in him how strongly he defends what he believes in and that he never gives up; he has no problem breaking the rules and loves challenges, testing himself and showing how good he is and what he can do by overcoming difficult situations.

Bonus fact: He has repeatedly broken his bones playing quidditch.

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