Zeke Jaeger

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Blood Status: Pure Blood.
Because of how connected Grisha is to the story I classed him as a wizard and since Dina is from the royal family we'll leave it as she is a witch from a purist family (her family disconnected from Grisha completely when he married a muggle, Carla, and had a half-blood, Eren).

Quidditch: In his student days he was a chaser and captain of his team.

Favorite class: Potions.

Patronus: Monkey.
Yeah, I know, it's all a meme. However, this is already something out of my control, the patronus and the beast titan are very similar things because the corresponding animal is based on the one that most represents its owner, so it is not even my decision.
They love to be the center of attention, are optimistic, subtle and have a very sharp intelligence, very precious qualities to satisfy their curiosity. Their negative points are usually their lack of understanding towards others and their arrogant nature. The Monkey is a creative, versatile and sociable achiever, thanks to their powerful self-esteem they're not easily affected by criticism, although in a negative sense they can become vain, self-centered and superficial.

House: Slytherin.
When it comes to placing Zeke in a house, I usually see him in Ravenclaw or Slytherin, which makes sense since he is from both houses, however I placed him in the latter. Let's analyze why.

Why isn't Zeke a Hufflepuff?
Zeke is a very hardworking person, he has made the most difficult path to reach his plan and has put all his effort to be able to achieve it no matter what he has to do; he is not a particularly friendly person but he does have his charisma and is not at all surly, you just need to hear him talk to Colt about his "secrets" to realise; although Zeke is not someone who usually brags, neither is he someone exactly humble since he is someone very sure of himself and of what he does, fully believing that he is always right and is the one who has the reason; because of his upbringing, Zeke grows up with many prejudices because he still thinks that the Eldians are demons that constantly cause tragedies just by existing and must be eliminated to achieve a better world, despite the fact that he wants to do it painlessly; neither is he exactly modest about his achievements as he takes pride in them and does not reject competitiveness, on the contrary he seems to enjoy it quite a bit; finally I would say that his loyalty is a somewhat strange factor, Zeke grows up in a conflicted environment where all his loved ones force him to believe different things so if he lies to his parents, grandparents or teachers it is not a betrayal as such that he shows disloyalty, neither when he betrayed his parents since he would never have let them die because he only reported them because he already knew they were going to die, leaving the choice in which they, him and his grandparents would die or just them, so I do not consider it disloyalty either. We could say that he is loyal to Xaver and his plan, and he really is, but this loyalty is also quite twisted since he claims to be loyal to Eren because he is his little brother and he does not want to abandon him nor can he avoid loving him very much (because of his traumas with his family), but although Zeke would never be able to betray him he is not really loyal to Eren but rather to himself, he would not support Eren regarding what he wants nor is he willing to try to listen to him to understand if what he does is good, since his love for him is more like in relation to that he thinks he knows what is best for him and acts based on that, being in fact totally sure of it and not thinking of it as a healthy love.

Why isn't Zeke a Gryffindor?
Zeke is really brave and daring, he also has a great temper; he has been capable of everything to defend what he believes in, as we saw very clearly while traveling through Grisha's memories with Eren, and it is also very difficult for him to give up, although in a moment of maximum and unparalleled breakdown we have seen him do it, besides he does not have trouble breaking the rules if necessary; Zeke likes challenges and being able to overcome them, however he does not see obstacles as opportunities since although he enjoys this type of thing he is not excessive with this either to the point of wanting to do it at every opportunity that is presented to him because he does not have the need to constantly test himself by being truly confident in himself and his abilities.

Why is Zeke a Ravenclaw but he is not placed in this house?
As we have seen, Zeke stands out for his intellect, ingenuity and wisdom, and even Isayama classified him as the most intelligent character in the entire story (along with Hange); he has great academic talent, is highly motivated towards his goals and is a diligent worker; also as I have already said, he is not someone particularly modest about his ideas or achievements as in fact he has always been proud of them; he is also considered to be a rather unusual person and someone whose head you could never guess what was going on; he is also definitely the kind of student who wouldn't pay much attention to limits and so in his free time he would practice new and different types of spells.
Well, as you can see, Zeke fits with all the characteristics of this house, but in my opinion there are some characteristics of Slytherin that definitely stand out more in his personality.

Why is Zeke a Slytherin and why is he placed in this house?
As we know Zeke was the one who always took command in the missions and was the main leader, he is also someone extremely cunning as we have been able to witness during his plans and he is also strong, resourceful, does not respect the rules much, is determined and is very well oriented to his achievements, almost too much; he is also cautious, as we could see by distrusting Eren and preparing himself by breaking the transmemorial promise but pretending in front of him until discovering his true intentions; he is also ambitious since all his goals are on a very large scale, level wanting to save the world and solve all its ills, and he pursues these with great ambition and tirelessly; I would also say that he has an important sense of self-preservation because although he considers that the Eldians must be eradicated, including himself, he only wants this after them to have their own life and dying of natural causes, in addition to the fact that would do everything what is necessary to survive and he would not let himself die for anything in the world before his plan is fulfilled.

Extra fact: Many used to fear that he would become a dark wizard since he had practiced dark magic even though it was forbidden and showed great skill with it. His intelligence was daunting at the thought that he might be a dark wizard.

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