Connie Springer

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Blood status: Half-Blood.
His mother is relevant in the story for having remained a pure titan for so long while the rest of his family isn't because they died when the soldiers had to kill the titans within the wall Rose. We can translate this as his mother would be a witch and his father a muggle; it also strikes me that he could have turned out to be a wizard while his younger siblings are muggles.

Quidditch: Beater for his team.

Favorite class: Flight.

Patronus: Fox.
Foxes have great social skills. They easily connect with others because of their kindness and generosity. They are very restless: they need to express their great enthusiasm for doing new things.

House: Hufflepuff.
As with Sasha, when it comes to placing him in a house we are all very clear that Connie does not belong to Slytherin or Ravenclaw but there are usually conflicting opinions about whether he belongs to Gryffindor or Hufflepuff so let's talk about that.

Why isn't Connie a Slytherin?
Connie has never shown leadership qualities and in fact it is implied that he would not do a very good job of it; he has shown to be somewhat ambitious but never cunning, nor having good temple nor has very marked goals beyond being a good soldier, a goal that is somewhat corrupted and withdrawn in season four; he does not usually think much before acting because he is not cautious; neither is he shown to have any particular distaste for rules, a developed sense of self-preservation, nor is he noted for his wits.

Why isn't Connie a Ravenclaw?
Connie is not a person who puts things like learning, wisdom or ingenuity ahead or very important; we don't know about his academic grades but if Marco was ahead of him in the top 10 of his troop despite him being better in the practical part then this means that his were not particularly high; we have never seen him be a precisely diligent worker, although he is usually proud of his good ideas; however, he is not very logical, rational or curious although he is a person who can be considered somewhat strange.

Why isn't Connie a Gryffindor?
At the beginning of the story Connie was quite fearful but we have seen him grow up, take more courage and be more brave but wouldn't say it's the most predominant thing in him; he doesn't usually give up and if he and his team decide that they must break the rules to do something, then he will do it; he tends to be stubborn about the things he believes in so he doesn't really like being contradicted; he doesn't see obstacles as opportunities to prove himself (at least not since his training days) as he doesn't usually see difficult things that way, he doesn't like challenges in real life either although he seemed to enjoy showing his potential during his training.

Why is Connie a Hufflepuff?
Connie is a friendly, loyal, mostly humble person and although he has some prejudices they are usually nothing important; although he is not the hardest worker of all, he is not someone lazy either, because he reached eighth place in the top 10 of his troop and always makes an effort; he usually shows some pride for his good ideas but not very often, and he is not someone who cares about competition against other people, because he only seemed to enjoy beating Jean in his training days but in his day to day in the world we have never seen him act through these attitudes.
So pretty much close to Gryffindor but I see his Hufflepuff characteristics as more predominant on him.

Bonus fact: He has broken his wand repeatedly.

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