Marlo Freudenberg

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Blood Status: Pure Blood.
Despite not having information about Marlo's family, one of the first things we learn about him is that he is very aware of the reality of his world and does not get carried away by what the government instills in them. For this reason I see him as someone who would be aware of the magical world and so I place him in a family of wizards.

Quidditch: Definitely not his kind of game.

Favorite class: History of magic.

Patronus: Woodpecker.
Woodpecker symbolism encourages you to maintain an innovative and creative attitude and to be more open to changes and opportunities. You need to protect yourself from threats, among these are people who want to take advantage of your kindness and generosity. The woodpecker encourages you to find a balance between being kind and being cautious (No one can convince me that this isn't literally Marlo with the corrupt government).

House: Gryffindor.
When it comes to placing Marlo in a house I have only seen that they have put him in Ravenclaw, which I understand but I don't agree with, let's see why.

Why isn't Marlo a Slytherin?
We've never seen Marlo in a leading role and it's actually kind of clear that he wouldn't do well; however, he does pursue his goals with ambition, he is well oriented to them and is very determined; although he does not have a developed sense of self-preservation as he is very willing to put his life on the line to try to achieve what he wants; he is intelligent but not cautious as he tends to get carried away by his emotions rather than reason; we also didn't see a disdain for the rules on his part but rather a hatred for his corrupt government.

Why isn't Marco a Hufflepuff?
Marlo is someone who is really hard-working, very loyal to his ideals and is humble in his day-to-day life as a person; however, he has some prejudices and is not exactly friendly as he usually stays quite stoic; he is also someone somewhat competitive for wanting to prove his worth and he is not the most modest of all in relation to his achievements since he is convinced that he is right above the rest, although he believes himself much more than the others only around the corrupt high command of the military police so I would not relate it because it is a reasonable hatred.

Why isn't Marlo a Ravenclaw?
Marlo is someone who has proven to be very intelligent and resourceful, as well as being a highly motivated student who was in the top 10 of his class, so he must have had a good academic average in addition to his physical abilities; he is a diligent worker and takes pride in his ideals and methods; however, he is not an eccentric person in any sense as in fact someone quite usual.

Why is Marlo a Gryffindor?
Marlo is someone really brave and daring as we have witnessed in more or less all his scenes; he does not have the best temper but he is capable of everything to defend what he believes in and never gives up, because he is determined to achieve it no matter what; he has no problem breaking the rules if necessary, as he did when helping the legion in season three; he also sees obstacles as opportunities to prove himself because he believes he has great value and a vision of the world that will help a lot and he really likes that this is recognized by others, that's why he appreciates challenges.

Extra fact: He is very active in the fight for the rights of house elves.

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