Hange Zoë

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Blood status: Muggle-born.
Since we don't know anything about Hange's family I imagine them to be muggles who have no idea about the wizarding world. It's also fun to think of Hange having this very normal worldview and then getting her letter, going to Hogwarts and discovering this whole crazy new world where she would develop and exploit her wacky, eccentric personality.

Quidditch: In her days as a student Hange went through all the game positions to try everything and see which one she enjoyed the most, she was vice-captain for a time and became captain later. Today she still plays with her friends in her free time.

Favorite class: Care of magical creatures.

Patronus: Hummingbird.
Creative and active, but knows herself and knows when to stop. Has the ability to "fly" in all directions, to dream and imagine. Creates a special environment that helps you get to know your internal and external world, teaching you to share with others. Communicative and can recognize and express beauty.

House: Ravenclaw.
I've seen quite a few people put Hange in Gryffindor, though if I remember correctly I haven't seen her put in Hufflepuff or Slytherin. She's totally Ravenclaw though so let's talk about it.

Why isn't Hange a Slytherin?
Hange is a good leader and she has shown that she is determined, cunning and has her goals well set; however, self-preservation is not her characteristic, she does not usually try to protect herself over others but on the contrary and I think that her death already says it all; nor is she a person who always stops to think before acting, although she is intelligent, when it comes to titans she often gets too excited and her emotions lead her to act without thinking much about the consequences, constantly putting herself at risk of being harm or directly eat; nor have we been shown any kind of particular contempt from Hange towards the rules in general, except perhaps for what Erwin established for her in Ilse's OVA but I would not consider it because it is a different situation.

Why isn't Hange a Hufflepuff?
Hange is loyal, hard-working, friendly, humble, and unprejudiced; however, Hange can be somewhat competitive thanks to her eagerness to demonstrate the things she believes in, although many people take her for crazy for those same interests; she is not particularly modest about her achievements either, in fact she speaks with great pride about all the things she has been able to do and find out about the titans, with great enthusiasm for being able to do her research, as we saw in her first private conversation with Eren.

Why isn't Hange a Gryffindor?
Hange has a good temper, courage and bravery, in fact she often seems to completely ignore fear and enjoy the given moment taking the best out of it, as the first time we saw her killing a titan; she defends with everything she has the things she believes in without giving up, as we saw especially in Ilse's OVA and she is able to break the rules if necessary; however, I don't think Hange sees obstacles as a way to prove herself but more as something to learn more about what is happening around her and as much as possible about her world; nor do I think that a trait of love towards the challenges stands out particularly in her personality, in the same way I do not see it as a personal satisfaction for her but for her hunger for knowledge.

Why is Hange a Ravenclaw?
Learning, wisdom, ingenuity and intellect are things that we constantly see in Hange, she is a scientist and she cannot resign herself, she always needs to move and learn more about everything, even about what many do not dare to try to understand or do not interest them, titans as the main example; she is able to do great discoveries, to formulate important theories and to find all the possible clues reasoning perfectly towards the truth; we don't know about Hange's academic grades during her training but seeing what she is capable of and the knowledge she has it is quite obvious that she was doing well in this; she would definitely be one of the students that she would investigate about different magics and would take risks to practice them on her own outside of class; Hange has always been proud of what she does and everything she has achieved, in fact she loves to talk about it and she says with her head held high that she will continue like this until she reaches more; she is quite enthusiastic about new and eccentric things, wanting to learn more about them; she is also quirky and interested in unusual things; she has been the voice of reason many times, she is hardworking and extremely curious. Just a total Ravenclaw.

Extra fact: She was in the toad choir.
Ps: And now she's the head of Ravenclaw.

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