Armin Arlert

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Blood Status: Pure Blood.
Yes, I know we don't know much about Armin's parents but they were explorers and extremely creative people, they wanted to see what was outside the walls so much that they secretly made a hot air balloon. For me it is very easy to see them as part of the magical world, I think they could both have been eccentric wizards who were always investigating, exploring and trying unusual magic (sounds cool but I still hate them for abandoning Armin). Not to mention that I also see his grandfather in this way, him being a connoisseur of the outside world because of having a book that talked about it. I definitely envision them as an extended, unusual, and humble family of wizards.

Quidditch: He doesn't play it, it's a very violent and demanding game for him. However he always goes to the games and cheers on his house or his friends when they play.

Favorite class: Charms and astronomy.

Patronus: Dolphin.
Yes, it is obviously a marine animal.
They are intelligent and curious. Dolphins are characterized by being very happy, social, seeking adventure and like to maintain stable relationships. People who are characterized by dolphins are usually artistic, sensitive and care about their loved ones and people. They are very dreamy and very valuable because they have that imagination that the rest usually have a hard time finding. That is why they are very necessary since, through their inspiration, they manage to motivate the rest of the team.

House: Ravenclaw.
When it comes to placing Armin in a house, I have seen him multiple times in all the houses and I understand that because he really has several characteristics of all the houses, however I say Ravenclaw.

Why isn't Armin a Slytherin?
Armin is a very good leader, as we saw especially in the Shiganshina arc and later, he is extremely cunning, as we have seen him be with Yelena or Bertholdt for example, he is a strong person and oriented to what he wants; however, he is not ambitious at all, he does not want much in his life, he would like that he and his people could be free to see the wonders of the world but it does not bother him if he cannot achieve it because he is fine with at least others getting it, also in the infiltration to Marley he was very happy to even be able to be in the outside world, even if it was in such a way; neither does he have a sense of self-preservation but rather the opposite, his sacrifice in Shiganshina being the most obvious example, although in general we have always seen him not only put others before but constantly put himself behind others, being so much that he has presented suicidal tendencies since the first season; he is smart, cautious, and resourceful but has no particular disdain for rules despite having everything going for such a thought.

Why isn't Armin a Gryffindor?
Armin has a great temper, he is chivalrous, he has courage and he is very brave, as we saw mainly and above all in Shiganshina, where he is confirmed to us as the bravest (because let's be honest there are not many people who dared to do what Armin did that time); he never gives up and gives everything he has to achieve what he sets out to do and what he considers necessary, he is also capable of breaking the rules if necessary because although he always has the right thing as his first option, he showed us multiple times that he can do wrong things if necessary; however he doesn't value challenges as proving himself and doesn't see obstacles as opportunities, in fact he is quite the opposite of that.

Why is Armin a Hufflepuff but he is not assigned to this house?
Armin is humble (although also extremely insecure so he tends to exalt others and put himself down), nonjudgmental, friendly, loyal (because if you call him a traitor, even if you don't support or like the alliance, then you haven't been paying attention to the story) and hardworking, as we saw on evaluation day when he denied Reiner's help and all the times he worked hard for not being a burden; in addition, he is not competitive at all because he has no interest in that kind of thing and he feels very insecure of himself, so he does not feel like competition for others.
Which means that, yes, Armin is a Hufflepuff (that's why he caused the sorting hat a lot of trouble to locate him), however we have to choose a house and I did it on the basis that there are characteristics of Ravenclaw that stand out much more in his way of being and that, as Hermione showed with her house and said, it is also necessary to see what is most important to him when placing.

Why is Armin a Ravenclaw and he is placed in this house?
It is mentioned in the story that Armin has one of the best academic averages, which is not surprising since throughout story we have seen him discovering many unknowns, solving situations and putting together many plans that have constantly saved everyone's lives, so much that he got Erwin to pick him as a veteran's platoon's leader despite being a 15-year-old rookie who had only been in the survey corps for four months, to stand up for him when someone said it was a bad decision (because it wasn't) and to call him "one of the best weapons they possess"; he was also able to surprise Erwin (aka I didn't even blink when the female titan's arm was flying directly to me) with his level of intelligence (not to mention that even though he's only 15 years old and barely enlisted, Isayama had already ranked him with the same level of intelligence as Erwin); he is ingenious since he always finds answers and ways in things in which one would least expect it, he values ​​learning very much and is very original; Armin had a book with information from the outside world and made plans to go through it one day even if it was illegal, for that reason it is really obvious that he would find and practice different and new types of magic in his free time even if others did not like to do that; he has interests that some would consider strange and some unusual attitudes, which is why some used to bully him; he is logical, rational and, as I explained earlier, hard-working; he is also extremely curious, so much so that it is one of the main bases of his character, which gave the main character motivation and what generated much of the message of the story, Armin's hunger for knowledge and the freedom to see the great wonders of the world and everything there is to discover about it and about everything that happens in his world is an important and primordial characteristic in the character, as well as an engine for the story and the protagonist. I would say that the only characteristic that does not fit him is pride, because he does not pay attention to those things and sometimes his insecurity wins him over, but all the other characteristics are so perfect, predominant and important in him that despite that, this is definitely his house.

Extra fact: He was a prefect and also the head boy, he also takes advanced classes all the time because of his academic level, which is why he regularly takes classes with Annie, Marco and Sasha, even if they are a year older than him.

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