Falco Grice

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Blood Status: Pure Blood.
Falco's family has always sought to redeem themselves from the fact that his uncle was a restorationist and although it is not a bad thing but that Marley paints it as bad, I wanted to take this idea for his story because I consider it very interesting that Falco, Colt and their family have the desire to redeem themselves and prove themselves to others because a close relative of them was a well-known death eater, which is why many currently prejudge and mistreat them.

Quidditch: He still doesn't play it, he's young and it scares him a bit because it's a violent game. However, he wants to try being a seeker, at some point.

Favorite class: Care of magical creatures.

Patronus: Falcon.
Well, the same as with Zeke, since he's a possessor of the beast titan his patronus is not open to discussion and is in fact canon since both things, the animal of the patronus and of the beast titan, are based on the same thing.
The falcon is seen as a celestial symbol with attributes of the sun and the masculine. In ancient Egypt it was the symbolic bird par excellence thanks to its strength, its beauty and its high flight. It is related to concepts such as victory, success and overcoming difficult situations. It appears when you find yourself in situations where you need to calculate your movements to achieve a goal (aka Falco appearing in the rumbling). It encourages you to follow your passions, to be methodical in search of obtaining the best results. If love makes an appearance in your life, the falcon invites you not to close that door, no matter how much fear it may cause you. It symbolizes taking advantage of opportunities, whatever they may be. It thinks that true love can be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity (aka his declaration of love to Gabi).

House: Hufflepuff.
With Falco being a new character from the last season there hasn't been much talk about where he would be placed in any of the four houses, the only place I've found him mentioned was also placed in Hufflepuff but in case more people thinks he belongs to another house, let's explain why he is in this one.

Why isn't Falco a Slytherin?
Falco has never been shown to us as someone with leader material or as someone ambitious since he wants few things in his life and never for himself but for his loved ones; he is determined and well goal-oriented, he is also cautious although he has not been shown to us as someone particularly cunning; he does not possess a sense of self-preservation as he is always willing to lay down his life for Gabi and those he cares about, he also does not possess a disdain for rules; although he certainly is very intelligent and loyal.

Why isn't Falco a Ravenclaw?
As I said, Falco is a very intelligent and resourceful person; he is also a hardworking and motivated student who we can assume had a good academic grades; however, he does not usually feel much pride in his ideas or methods but rather simple happiness when he manages to do something well; neither is he someone eccentric or someone who would practice different magic on his own.

Why isn't Falco a Gryffindor?
Falco is definitely someone very brave and daring, as we saw in the war when he went to defend Gabi, when he went to the airship with her or when he went to fight with his titan despite not knowing how to use it; he has a good temper and is chivalrous; he never gives up and always defends what he believes in; however, he has no love for challenges, for proving himself to others (because when he beat Gabi he was simply happy to be able to do it and he was doing it more for her than for himself) nor does he see obstacles as opportunities.

Why is Falco a Hufflepuff?
Falco is someone extremely hard-working, as we saw in his training, he is really humble, very friendly, has no prejudices and is totally loyal, his relationship with Gabi being the most notorious example; he is also modest about his victories, we never really see him boast, much less feel better than others for those things, therefore he is not competitive either because he does not try to be better than others or try to beat them for this very reason.

Extra fact: He has an owl as a pet.

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