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The whole auditorium echoed with sounds of chairs scraping , sound of footsteps , sound system checking "hello-hello" and people murmuring.Here , I am standing right in front of my dream , a dream long awaited , a dream i always thought of.....


The University of Bangkok,is the biggest university of Thailand , excelling in every field , be it Engineering , Technology , Fine arts and most important was the Music. Every other person in Thailand dreams of studying here , but the fees for admission is worth your both kidneys and in the music department , you can include your liver as well.But , today is quite a golden chance ..the uni is giving free admission to the top 10 winners of this competition.Just move your fingers onto some instruments ,impress the judges and win an admission.But seems like the judges are too tough to be impressed by everyone.

"Ladies and gentleman , thank you all for coming here taking a few moments out of your precious time.We,welcome you all to the biggest competition ever held in 'The University of Bangkok'.Many competitions are held in this university but this is a special one , the top ten winners will get a free admission , I repeat free admission.This is getting so exciting,right! And for the special competition,we have a special judge,with a round of applause please welcome the most handsome,most talented,the best music professor in whole Thailand,Mr.Mile Phakphum Romsaithong.Now , without wasting much of everyone's time ,lets begin the competition."

'Mile Phakphum Romsaithong ,31 years old,six feet tall, the man made out of music , whose fingers flawlessly fills life into every instrument he touches.Tall,pale,handsome,gentle yet passionate ...a man everyone desires,whose smile can melt your sorrow away.When he passes through your way , you can become alive again, when he looks at you , you can feel heaven , when he teaches you music, you feel butterflies humming in your stomach.Now , enough of the good deeds , once you fall for him , you are like a prey in a hunter's trap.When you get to know that the pretty smile ain't pretty enough just petty enough to make you fall into a trap you never wanted to fall for.Just when you realise that coming into his way , has brought you to your dead end.There you are, welcomed to his dark side.'


Mile's pov ~ 

"Ugh!This is so tiring,I've been sitting here since 2 hours,being all smiles,nodding at every stupid person,what is this show for?They can just do the admissions as they always did.Performance after performance,won't even let me breathe."

My thoughts interrupted as I heard a soft,familiar voice from my back , I turned to see around was,Naphat.My lips immediately curled up into a smile,not that I was happy to see him,he has always been such a pain in the ass and that's what I give him in return,but in a sour environment like this seeing him is like giving water to someone thirsty since ages.

"Hello,P'Mile..Long time no see" he said savouring the handsome man in front of him with his eyes.He knew what he was doing and where could this take him to and that's where he want to end up.I hummed in response and sensed how impatient he was getting and that was exciting,we just need the right moment to sneak away even doing here could be more adventurous but I just can't stake my reputation sitting at front,beside the dean.Naphat kept stealing glances at me waiting for my sign,sneakily he came and sat beside me.His hand rested on my thigh and he had the audacity to go up and grab my thing in such a crowded place.That's it.Now,I can't control this anymore.

"Sir,I need to use the restroom.I'll be back in a while",I conveyed the dean and got up and walked away I didn't turned back to see but I knew he was following me.I walked as fast as I could and went to my cabin room , Naphat entered just right after me.

"I missed you.",he said but I didn't wanted to waste time in such a lame conversation,instead I pulled him towards me and whispered to him,"You know what to do ,right?"

He glanced at me once ,head to toe,then smiled,"You never need to tell me." and he went on his knees his hands softly unbuckling my belt that wrapped perfectly around my waist,slowly making his way downwards towards my crotch he'd massage my crotch gently trying to make me hard,Yes that's a tough task to do ,a guy like me who fucks on almost everyday it's difficult to get aroused everyday.And yes , I got hard now.He held my dick in his hand and started moving it up and down ,licking the tip,argh!Why'd he tease!

  I covered his mouth with my hand as he was being too loud , while I kept thrusting in and out of him at my own speed.I wanted to end this quickly I need to go back but I can't reach my climax when he has already done it twice.I was preoccupied with many thoughts,like,frustration,a bit of tension'What if dean ask about me?',and pleasure of course.

"Tink" , the sound hit my ears,yes,the sound of competition was coming till us but I wasn't bothered about any of them but this sounds so familiar,this gives me a feeling of Deja'Vu.Why does this sound so familiar?I stopped for a moment ,I couldn't think of anything else as if the sound has locked my mind with itself,but who's that?Who was playing this sound?

"Why did you stop,P'Mile.Please don't stop!" Naphat told me diverting me from my thoughts.Of course I now want to end it even more quickly ,I want to see who is playing this masterpiece that not everyone can do!But where'd they learn this from!?

Yes,I was almost there!The sound of the piano reaching the high notes.NO!!!It was about to finish I need to reach before they finish this.Fuck!!Here I come.I pulled out and came over the floor,I'm not bothered to clean it ,I wiped myself a bit,pulled my pants and stormed out of the room,walked as fast as I could buckling my belt on the way.And I heard the last low sound and it was over ,I ran towards the hall.I located on the stage,a tall tanned boy walked down the stage but I couldn't see his face.

"Who's He?"


To Be Continued....

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