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Mile came home,his hair was messed up and so was his mind - the only thing banging in his head was the remorse that rose from the confrontations earlier.A thousand questions still left unanswered!

His heart was thumping hard in his chest as he walked towards his room,his wrist would explode any moment,he halts takes a turn and walked back - kept on walking and walking...who was he avoiding?Himself?His lover?Or his guilt?

Mile stops near the pool,he vacates the place of anyone's presence,kicking off his shoes and removing his shirt,he dips himself into the water,he doesn't manages to swim to the top as the water begins to swallow him.

Mile closed his eyes as his bottom hits the pool's tiled surface,he stayed there like a moment,fighting with his urges and feelings,fighting with his inner self that has been never right!

He has trusted the wrong things and wrong people,all these years!

He swims up,and lays his body on top of water - his eyes and nose remaining out of water,with his rest of the body flat over it..


He opens his eyes as soon as he heard his name,coming in the softest and sweetest voice he could ever hear - a voice he wants to hear always,through the rest of his life.The voice he lost for sometime,and who is to blame after all,if only he had trusted him - if only,he hasn't believed in something so stupid!

Mile looks at him still in the same place,Apo smiled at him,admiringly!

If only this poor soul knew,how much he had gone through,for the sake of this man's love - who didn't even trusted him and his love..

"What are you doing there?"Apo asks him as he sits on the platform nearby,legs swinging inside the water.

"Mile didn't had the courage to answer him,so he just closes his eyes and turns horizontally falling back into the water,Mile held his breath and didn't came out,he was hoping Apo would leave.

As Mile floated under the surface,he felt a pair of hands around his torso,he turns around and finds his lover joining him,still in his full clothes,as he hugged Mile tightly and Mile responded back,a hug right now was the only thing he needed - but couldn't ask for!

As they both swim back to the surface,they didn't break the comfort they were enjoying in each other's embrace - no one was watching them right now,they laced each other's bodies with warmth and comfort,and Mile could feel that burning in his heart subside.

They parted and Apo pecks Mile's cheeks.

"What happened to you?"Apo brushes Mile's hair off his eyes and forehead.



"Can you forgive me?"

"What is this about?"

"This is about everything,literally ever thing!I know I am stupid,and I have failed to be a great lover - but can you please love me and forgive me"

Nattawin watched him in pity but admiration,his eyes glistened and his lips curled up into a smile as he cupped Mile's face and kisses his lips,and it wasn't just a kiss,it was a 'I love you more than you think' and 'I forgave you already' kiss.

"I love you Mile,no matter what,I trust you and your love.."

"But if you hurt me once more,I am going to kill you"

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