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Apo pov~

It was about 12 or something when I suddenly woke up and outside the window rain was pouring,beside me was my strict boss Mr.Phakphum - he looks like a little child when he sleeps and the moment he will wake will turn into an ice cold bastard.This thought only was enough for me to grin like an idiot.And on it's own somehow my hand went up to caress his soft pale cheeks.

A little while of me staring blankly to the ceiling damn I can't sleep - a long time since I have enjoyed rain so I decided to walk out at a distance enjoying myself under the downpour with my clothes dripping wet and my mind was somehow relaxed with rain falling right on to me.

When I felt two strong hands wrapped around my waist I turn around to see the owner and was none other than Mile,honestly I should be yanking his hands off and yelling at him but somehow his warm embrace had convinced me to let him do whatever he likes.Probably because ever since mom has passed away I yearned for love and a warm embrace.But I just want to dive deeper into his warmth and let him do whatever he wants to.

I pulled back as he touched me at my sensitive areas and somehow I don't mind it - was this right or wrong?I don't know - I don't wish to!

I see desperation in his eyes as he looks at my lips and I just can't deny that I was equally or even more hungry to taste his cherry red one's as he approaches towards my lips my heart flutters suddenly his moments halts as his lids flutter and his lips twitch in hesitation.

Oh come on , the next moment I pressed my lips against his - and honestly that could be the best thing I might have ever felt.His soft lips against mine were accelerating my breath and his reciprocation was too quick his strong tongue exploring every last corner of my mouth making me gasp for air.His hands touching me at every possible place from my neck to my chest and my waist.I just couldn't help but pour moans into his cavity which he swallowed like a crazy man and the hard thing under my thigh was just driving me crazy - it was like a whole different feeling.I seem to be lost in his embrace my eyes shut close as the cool breeze flowing around caressed our wet bodies.

Thunder screamed in the sky that just brought me back to reality as my eyes flashed open and I realised what I was doing - Wrong!This was so wrong my mind kept telling me.This is betraying my lover and I feel guilty.And the next thing I know was, I just ran away from there.

Thank god - he wasn't present on the bus when we went back it would become hard for me to even be present in his presence.With the realisation that I am being watched by those lust filled onyx eyes would make me sink down into the earth and never come back.

Despite this that I wanted everything that happened some part of me wasn't convinced about it.I feel like I deserve an apology towards someone - someone that I call my lover and my boyfriend too.But I am myself not sure as to what I feel for him was true ever!

Ever since Mile has came into my life my emotions towards Bible seem to have changed,,,

My phone was ringing constantly and I was avoiding it knowing it was Bible - I just can't bring myself to answer the call or talk to him after whatever has happened.But he keeps calling over and over.


"Whatever took you so long to answer?"

"Er - I was bathing.."

I don't know why I lied - like of course there was no way I'd just tell him whatever I was doing at his back but lying to him made me feel even more guilty.

"Should have done a video call earlier.Don't you think?"


What else can I say - I don't know why I feel so awkward talking to him so sudden.

"How's everything baby?"

Messed up just messed up - all fucked up!

"Yeah - it's good.And you?"

"Hmm,just cool.There is a lot of work recently and it is so exhausting."

"Oh - what work?"

"Er-business stuff nothing much!"

"So - are you deciding to come back"

"Not yet but sooner.."

"Po ?"


"I love you!"

This made my heart ache - shit he really loves me and I want to answer him back right now but the words are stuck in my throat and won't come out even if I try to,,,



"Why don't you say something?"

"Me too Bible."

And he doesn't seems to be satisfied by my answer as he remained quiet and didn't answered.

"Bible , uh I have some work.Talk to ya later!"


The call declined and I am so sure Bible has definitely smelled something fishy right now and I care I do!I hate lying to him and I am constantly doing the same thing it just makes my mind go blank and I just want to throw myself away somewhere.



Too much noise , here I am sitting in a fancy bar with fancy lights and drinks being served on a table of five in vip lounge I am sitting with my new friends- it's Ta's birthday - US's younger brother and he has invited me and other here as well.

In front of me sat the guy I was trying to avoid the most - Mr.Phakphum and I don't dare to raise my eyes from the table or floor or just anywhere.I don't want to look at him or say I can't but his dark lustful pierced right through my soul my body was burning hot under his observation - when everyone was actually busy in chatting or grooving to the music we both just played our own thing - his eyes preying me and mine just escaping his.

Drinks were served and at first I hesitated a little to drink or not because I am not really good with drinking I get tipsy too quickly and sometimes my friends had to send me back home.You can say I am intolerant for alcohol - a bartender,sounds funny but actually true.

They just forced me to drink and just one drink down and things seem to feel easy for me - the stress and tension seemed to pass away easily these guys were absurdly loud and that just makes me even more insane while the guy opposite to me has already finished two drinks.

The remaining night was just vodka shots - martini's and herbal spirits with stumbling feet dancing.I don't remember the last time I drank this much right now I couldn't even stand straight on my own two feet and my vision was blurry everything seems tenfold as my head swayed from side to side feet still rocking on the dance floor.

I was feeling light so light that I could just fly away right now ~ this night was especially long and nice,,,

And my bastard friends just kept on praising me to drink even more and now at this point I can't even raise my head which has fallen down to the table with two more bastards lying next to me.


"Oh - such a burden!"

Mile mutters under his breath picking up the heavy drousy body from the chair.Of course someone must be responsible to take these drunk kids to their home and Mile had to take his beloved.

Wrapping his hand around the other's waist and throwing his hands around his shoulder he somehow managed to drag him out of the club ignoring the younger one whispering gibberish into his ear and laughing unnecessarily throwing him into the passenger seat of his Audi r8 pulling the seatbelt across his torso.

He drove off to his house and don't be surprised about him knowing his address without even asking the other one there is barely anything about the young man that this menace doesn't knows.

To Be Continued....

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