279 19 10



//coarse language

//physical abuse(slight)


Apo pov~

It's not that I haven't seen this coming I knew that one day either Bible is going to find out everything or if I am able to build that much courage I would tell him - but I had just never expected him to know the truth like this,I mean he walked in to me and Mile literally making out;shit!

I have just never seen Bible this pissed ever in my life before of course I had made a fucking blunder but honestly I am scared the way he behaves - right now my house is completely turned upside down he is literally kicking and throwing things here and there while muttering curses.

One more thing that messed me was Mile walking out of the scenario like bastard stand here and explain him how you threatened me to do this shit with you,fucking come and explain it!

"Bible..Lis -"

He doesn't even let me complete my sentence before kicking the coffee table hard causing it's contents to scatter all over the ground.He is just no different from Mile like at least listen to me - stupid!


My anger just exploded out of my lungs travelling up to my throat slipping on my tongue,he stood straight looking me in the eye with his fuming one's inside I was trembling hard but on the outside I had to wear that hard shell or else this man is not going to listen to me - I am responsible to explain!

My plan like always never goes as I fucking plan it,his hands travel to the flower vase nearby and threw it over in my direction I had to bend down to save my head from bursting into blood the vase smashed against the wall behind,my hands pressed hard against my ears I was too scared- Jesus!

Before I could recover from the recent event the next thing I am aware of is his hands gripping tightly on my both arms and slamming me behind at the near by wall this actually caused my head to bob with the amount of force he has used to slam me,his eyes met with mine and his nails sank deeper into my bare arms.

"S..Stop it!You are..hurting me!"

I could only manage to utter this much out of my mouth it felt as if I am being suffocated under his glare.

"And what about me?Do you think I am not hurt or have you not hurt me?"

His voice was harsh but it cracked he gulped hard before pulling me out to only slam me back again - Jesus,have mercy on my back!His grip just tightened with every breath and it was getting hard for me to breath.

"Let..me go!"

He didn't allowed to leave me,his hands were gripping on me even tighter and his eyes were dark,stop scaring me bastard!

"Now..I can see..everything clear..."he paused dramatically before continuing

"Why you didn't answered my calls properly..or talked to me..."

"I guess you were too damn busy whoring around.."

He slammed me hard against the wall before leaving me,my head slammed against the wall so hard that for a minute my vision blurred and my knees went weak that I collapsed on the ground my hands quickly travelled up to grab the back of my head.

I need to confront him this is not going to work with just you accusing me;

"And what about you?Where had you been?Have you even cared to come look for me?"

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