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The door to Apo's house slams open banging against the wall revealing the tall figure he confronted a few hours ago when he met him earlier he was in a white tee with black sweatpants which were now changed completely to another aura - his long legs were wrapped around in royal blue pants with white shirt tucked into them that exposed his chest as it remains four buttons down and a royal blue blazer wraps around his muscular arms and back with it's front open.

The domestic figure jumped in the kitchen at the loud noise causing the dish in his hand that he was washing to fall off from his hand to be shattered into pieces like his trust - he wipes his hands on the kitchen towel and throws his apron detaching it from his waist and throws it in some vague direction as he tips over the broken dish to make sure it doesn't pierces through his bare feet and heads out to witness Mile standing in the door hands tucked in his pockets he looked like a mafia as a soft yet crooked grin creeps over at his mouth.

"Nice to see you,again!"he says walking in brushing past Apo purposely brushing his elbow against the other and settling himself on the couch they fucked that night - lovely memories that he made were now fresh again;squatting down with his legs open wide and arms settled on the backrest spreading out like a boss - fuck that was sexy!

"Fuck off!"

Apo rumbles and tends to walk over to shove the other man out of his office because he had earlier made himself very clear about everything in his head and heart worshipping his rapist with a termination letter and making it clear that he never fucking wants to see his face again or ever meet him.


This was never about him,what he wanted has never mattered and will never do so - Mile will hardly bother to go on with what Apo wants , by any means he will captivate him and appearing here like this just confirms that he has brewed up another plan to make sure what he wants will occur..

Mile glances around at where he sits and smirks he remembers every little detail that happened that very night here as he brushes his hand over the exact spot where Apo has splashed his seeds that time and whimpered under him - looking at the table licking his lip over the memory when he has sat over there and ate out his darling for a count of fifteen minutes.

"Fond memories!"

He looks at Apo and witnesses the disgust that builds up on his face and averted his gaze from Mile towards the clock it was about to hit four in the evening and glances outside and saw the other's Porsche Cayenne parked outside and he could witness a shadow lurking in the driver's seat - he was with someone,

And then back to Mile,,,

"Why are you here?"

Mile simply nods to the question as he slips one hand in his blazer inside pocket and withdrew a familiar document that Apo had left earlier at his place and slams it softly on the table and pulls out a pen pushing out the nib placing it near the document and settles back to his first position and meets the confusing and want to know gaze from the other.

"You want me to sign that?"

Honestly,Apo was startled by the question but this is all he wanted Mile to sign that god damn document and fuck out of the way you bashed in from,but a part of him hesitated to nod or to even say yes;it was hard to accept that he was about to severe his broken strings from Mile forever and would never wish to see him - he wanted to wreck the last knot of the string attaching them;a knot of betrayal and hatred.

But what was the relationship he was referring to?Simply a boss and assistant - two men who have simply one common interest;Music?

Or two mature aged guys - getting drunk and losing their conscious ending up fucking in a couch like stupid teenagers?

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