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Apo pov~

It's been a week at work and this guy remains a full jerk-loading piles of notebooks in front of me to check and upload grades on the website,watching tons of his lectures and helping him tone the instruments and now the music festival is coming he has made hanging here all day selecting bands and groups that are to perform.Once a jerk-always a jerk!

All day keeps blabbing shit that I hardly understand and tells me to do every single thing-Nattawin,bring me a coffee;Nattawin take out the notebooks;Nattawin call this one from my phone;Nattawin do this do that.Jerk!Sometimes I feel if I am a secretary or his house-help or something.But one big relief is that he hasn't done something like a pervert didn't said cheesy things to me nor touched me anywhere.That is a good point but this job is exhausting beyond control,he just keeps me hanging all day.

Out of a good few things he do was him treating me coffee with his money,so kind!Sometimes he says things about me that I don't know how he knows,sometimes he seems pretty nice when he panicked a lot when I got my finger in the door,his eyes were so tender then-guess he ain't all so bad but again-Once a jerk,always a jerk!

"Nattawin"he calls me out-here we go again,working with a boss you don't get along well with!


"When are the band students coming up and have you looked for another member-I told you yesterday!"Mile says eyes focused on the notebook in front of him and shuffling through pages and reading in his mind."Yes,sir.I checked on instagram - one guy from the university er..Tong!"

"Instagram?For real!"Mile says facials twisted in disbelief brows furrowed and jaw jutted as he tsked upon his subordinate's silliness."Yeah!Wait-which dynasty do you actually belong to old man!"he says annoyed by his boss for being such an oldie,which makes Mile pick his eyes from the notebook to look at his junior pissed of from being called an old man"Watch your mouth!"

"But people use social media for talent hunt nowadays,wait let me show you"he walks over to the table and leans over Mile's arm to reach for the laptop and starts typing on,his tender fingers fluttered on the laptop smoothly and Mile wondered how these tender smooth hands almost made his mouth bleed from countless punches which made him chuckle a little.

"What are you laughing at?"Apo glares at him from top of his shoulder as he shuffles the laptop towards his boss to let him see the video,"Here you go!"he says and gets away from the table and drags his chair nearby to the table and sits.

"No need to sit-go bring me a coffee while I watch this."Mile says looking at Apo and handing out his card for him to pay "Get yourself one too"he says then return back to look at the screen plugging the headphones into his ears and plays it.Apo frowns a bit at being told to do this-that but was still happy to have coffee from his boss's money and Mile joyfully grins already knowing how Apo must have reacted.

Apo stands and dashes off to the cafeteria to buy some coffee for both of them,the canteen was unusually crowded than everyday.Apo approaches to the counter and orders an Iced Americano for Mile as he prefers how can a man drink same thing everyday he always thinks when he gets him coffee and an Iced caramel macchiato for himself and waited for the drinks.

"Hey,Apo!"Bas calls him out leaning by the counter to give his order."Hey,man!How you doing?"

"Very well,long time no see!"

"Ha!My boss gatekeeps me whole day."

"Oh!tough to deal"

"Of course.Mile Phakphum-old man!"

"Ah!Spilling facts now-are we?"

"Yeah kind of.Just don't tell him"

"Well he is one good friend to me-if I tell him?"

"Man,you are pre-invited to my funeral"

They both chatted a while talking about things and Mile and laughing giggling as Bas slaps po's arm every time they crack a joke and continued to do this and didn't even noticed when their orders were placed at the counter including Apo's coffee and Bas's burger along with pepsi.

"If you are done with your fun convo,would you care to bring the coffee and help me sort the files Mr.Wattanagitiphat"Mile says standing beside them hands firmly on his hips sounding serious as hell and Apo flinched at the sudden calling out.

"I ..er- w..waiting for the o-order"he says nervously and Mile tilts his head to side and eyes fixed at the counter where the order was placed and Apo turns his gaze towards the counter and nervously smiles."This-uh.."but Mile picks up his drink and turns around to walk thinking Apo is gonna follow him but he doesn't so he turns around "Want me to carry you?"he says and Apo quickly picks up his coffee and walks after him waving a bye to his new friend.

"You have made friends,I see"Mile says jealousy sparking through his words hard enough as he takes a sip from his drink and looks at his side where Apo was walking sipping on his coffee and saying in between"Can't I ?"he says boldly."What a brat!"Mile says looking ahead.Apo walks to his front now walking backwards looking straight at Mile "Is having friends being a brat?"he says pouting around the coffee straw and his action went straight to the other's groin as his cock jumps in excitement and he gulps hard on his drink trying to hide the adrenaline rush.

"Answering back is one!"Mile answers confidently smirking around his straw looking at his subordinate."That's my personality"Apo says and turns around to walk straight into the direction swaying his round butt wrapped in tight skinny denims in front of a man and if possible for Mile he would grab a handful of it or eat it or lick or spank it or knead it!Whatever he could do to it!

Mile's pov~

It was a while since Nat was gone and he never usually takes up so long or this bastard messing up with someone.I need to go and check where he was.After reaching the canteen I saw him laughing and talking with my one friend Bas - how come they get along so well.Nat you never talk to me like that and don't even smile at me all you do is frown.What kind of black magic should I do on you!

Of course I am jealous and I won't deny it - I have loved you for so long now!How can I not be jealous of this?


After we came back and settled in the room,we did all file works and notes today I had a few lectures and the rest of the day was spent in the band preparation and yes the guy he had found on the treasure hunt on Instagram was qualified enough to join the band.My boy is really talented.

But one thing lingers in my head if I am jealous to see him with others will he also be?Though he has changed a lot and plans to play hide-and-seek with me,let's take this game to another level.Let me see if how much you hate me or love me?


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