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"If I can remember it well,your name was - Bas!Right?"Apo comments as he saw the familiar guy taking out some files from the cupboards who turns upon hearing the voice and eyes go round with surprise as a little frown forms on his forehead as he tries to recognize the guy in front of him and suddenly a small smile appears on his face.

"Ah!Right,Nattawin?"the other guy says and smiles lightly while shuffling through the heap of books in the almirah."That reminds me of why you here?"he asked confused eyes still concentrated towards the books as he read out certain names checking a particular register.

"I-um.."he was cut-off by the other continously talking about something he hardly knew about it."Forget it,come here help me out!"the teacher calls out handing out a few notebooks to him,pulling out a few more and then locking the cupboard and placing the key nearby at the desk and taking the notebooks from the other one,"Okay then,I will take your leave."he said and walked out of the room giving a small pat on apo's arm with a warm bright smile.

"Oh!"Apo says laced with confusion as he looks around and wonders whatever the hell is happening.He takes a seat at the rotational chair near the glass table and his hands resting on the table,fingers drumming against the glass which gave the reflection of the fancy LED chandelier hanging from the ceiling.The clock ticking could be heard pin-drop silence in the room.

"Shia!This ain't good,maybe I should go out and ask someone"he got up from the chair walking towards the door hands reaching the door handles pulling them towards him and another force being applied from the other side pushing them inside which made him stumble on his feet and fall back due to a different force only to be caught by a pair of strong steel arms grab his own muscular but tender,he looks up to meet with a pair of dark eyes and fair skin and his pupils went large as he recognised the strong figure in front of him,his palms start sweating still resting on the other's strong biceps while the other's lips turn up into a dark smirk upon realising the tension building up in the other.

"Let me go!"Apo said brushing his palms away from the others contact eyes still connected with the man hovering him who was already devouring the deliciousness of Apo's vanilla scent and his amber eyes.His demand was fierce but his voice was exceptionally soft and low as he observes his own timid and tensed up reflection in those dark orbs.

Mile glanced down eyes roaming around the other's body and his own which was inclining parallel to the one under him as he notices their contact and face lights up in dark smirk,"As you like!"he says and removes his strong supportive arms and stands back to watch the other fall down on his jelly legs upon the sudden cut off of the hold on him.An amused chuckle spread over his face as he brushes a hand through his hair and walks forward kicking away Apo's ankle with his pointy shoe.

"Shia!How can you drop me down like this?"Apo screams out still hissing due to the sharp pain he felt on his butt from the sudden falling."Well,you asked for it!"Mile says as he opens his laptop on the table and taking out a few stuff from his bag."Wait,What are you doing here?"Apo said as he gets up from the floor and wiped the back of his pants and his hands."First of all,the room is not dirty-so stop reacting like that"Mile frowns looking straight to Apo crossing his arms against his exposed white chest and leans back to the back-rest of the chair."Secondly,this is my work-place..so I should be the one to ask you Mr.Nattawin,what are you doing here?"he says in a cold yet demanding tone,nothing on his face just his dark eyes resting on the other's face who shivers under his cold words and gaze looking as timid as a lamb but before he says something a peon knocked on the door.

"Khun Mile,you are to attend the Council Meeting at 12'noon today"he says and leaves and Apo just stands there connecting dots in his head,,*his work-place;council meeting;khun mile;*

"Shia!"he almost jumps on his feet and turns around to look outside the room through the door and he could feel those dark eyes preying him right now as he turns around to see him looking directly at him and gulps hard."Are you the music-"he was cut off by the other nodding,"So you are the new secretary,I must give P'Chan a good treat for this beautiful gift"Mile says and chuckles but Apo just stands there zoning out in his cloud of thoughts there was no way he was going to work for this filthy pervert but he was in no position to give up on this one,there was now no way out of this maze he was  tangled into of both his feelings and his fate.

To Be Continued...

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