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The muffling sounds of sheets along with the pitter-patter of the rain,nothing like usual no work no fuss of getting up and getting ready,but still no sleep in his eyes now.Apo twists his body around as he tries to reach his phone near the lamp,hoping if submissions of any resume's has come up with a response.And the message he wasn't really expecting made him shocked through his core as he jumps out of his bed to sit up straight and rubs his eyes to make sure he sees clear.

An email from University of Bangkok...!

Mr.Apo Nattawin,

Through this email we hope to find you in a great health.We are glad to inform you that you are selected as a candidate for the vacancy of the assistant to our music professor.This offer has been initiated to you in respect to your performance at the day of audition.If interested you are requested to kindly come and attend the formal interview at the uni (04.06.2023 at 10:00).

We will be pleased to attend you.

Warm regards,

HR Manager,

University of Bangkok.

His eyes lit up with the message,so the hope hasn't fully extinguished yet that means he has to go and attend the interview today and he has to prepare himself for it right now."Good Lord,I am so lucky to have this chance.But the interview is quite a thing to deal with...how am I-"he was cut off by the sudden ringing of his phone from a private number,he hesitates a bit before swiping up to take the call.



He frowns at the familiarity in the voice from the other side and removes the phone from his ear to check the contact info once again..


"Yes,how are you baby?"

"Uh-I am fine but why are you calling from a different number"

"Po,I am caught somewhere.I don't have my phone so -"

"Okay,are you good?"

"Yes,of course now that I have heard your sweet morning voice I am even better"

He giggles on to which apo blushes and sighs as if the other could see that from his phone.

"When will you come back?I miss you..na"

"Po,I can't -"

"What do you mean by can't !?"

There was silence clouded between them for some time and those last words from apo hanged between them before Bible decided to break it down by his statement.

"I-um,I have some work here.I won't be back for some months but I will contact you."

"Bible,you are hiding something from me?"

There was silence that made Apo's brain and heart wretched with worry...

"Dad -d-da -"

He couldn't complete the rest of the statement before completely breaking down into tears which could be heard from the phone and at this moment the biggest stress apo had was that he wasn't with Bible at that moment to take care of him to console him to give him a tight hug and reassure him that he was with him.


There wasn't any response from the other side when a few seconds later he hears a beep sound from the other side.The call was declined before Bible could say anything..

Apo removes the phone from his ear and blinked at it,he declined without a word..his fingers tapped on it dialing the previous number,,ringing could be heard from the other side but no one answered,he dialed again and again but no one answered.At this point he was beyond stressed,despite the stress of the interview it was bible who caught his worry.

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