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[After one month]

The early golden rays of sun washed over the whole sky of Bangkok,the city felt quiet and birds were chirruping softly in their nests and even our love birds were cuddling in their bed,mingled up under the grey sheets,with the younger one pressed against the older's bare pale chest,taking small breaths against it,and the older who has clasped his arms around the other tightly as if protecting him from something or not letting him go anywhere.

The golden light pours into their room,and the younger's brows twitched before he lightly opened his eyes and the first thing he saw brought a bright smile over his lazy face,that was even brighter than the sun rays.He puts his head back over Mile's chest and kisses it softly and Mile just tightens his hug earning a muffled sound from the other.

"Good Morning,Mile"Apo says as he tries to sneak out of the comfort place but was hurriedly pulled back by the other into another embrace,but he won't struggle,it has now been a routine.

A man,no let me re-spell it,A paranoid man,could love this hard,that too someone he is actually afraid of loving.Coping with feelings and trying to get over,because the younger was giving him a home to land at whenever he had tough days,just a good night kiss which made his tiredness and worries vanish,and someone who copes up with his wild animal like aura - when at bed!

Mile wasn't exactly loving Apo,it was Apo who had made Mile love him so much - he has earned that love,it would be times when they fight,it would be moments when Mile's paranoid side resurfaces but they would cope with each other,filling the void in each other's life,they have done so much to keep themselves together.

"Where do you think you are going?"Mile pulls his waist further and nuzzles his nose against the other who chuckles embarrassingly.

"The sun's up!"Apo pushes his cotton fists against Mile's chest but ends up actually pecking him on his cheek.

"Mine's up too.."Mile comments as he rubs his morning wood against Apo's thigh who watches him astounded and in no moment his face turns red like a tomato.

"Hey,let go!I am already too sore..."Apo pushes him hard as he scoots off the bed and watches the other in disbelief and Mile could just laugh at this.

"Oww,you would say that?Won't you say 'I feel empty..please fill me up!' like before"Mile says and earns a flying pillow in his face and watches the embarrassed young male stomp towards the bathroom and he himself lays back in the mattress and watches the ceiling and smiles to himself.

A little while later when Apo comes out of the bathroom,he watches Mile scrolling through his phone with a serious look on his face and he immediately knew it was about his office work.

About this,Mile has taken over the real estate company and of course he has told Apo about it.

"Today's Saturday..it's weekend so no work!"

Mile throws his phone away at the distant corner of the bed and raises his hand upto his head motioning it in a salute..

"Yes sir!!"

"Do you want me to take you out somewhere?"Mile asks as he pushes himself out of the bed and goes to the cupboard to withdraw some clothes for himself.

"No,'d rather spend the day at home...with you"he says the last two words quietly and Mile just smiles at his words and walks back to the bathroom.




After coming out of the bath Mile finds Apo downstairs working in the kitchen,cooking for them,and Mile draws an apple from the fruit basket and sits atop the kitchen island eating it watching the younger work.

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