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//smutty smut

//drunk sex



He threw him off on the sofa in his lounge and crashes next to him taking a good breath as he was too tired of carrying this man who was not ready to get off the car and had decided to play around.

"What a burden!"

Mile mutters getting up fixing his clothes and hair and was about to walk away when Apo held the hem of his pants tugging them towards himself giggling softly making the other twist in confusion.

"Where are you going?"

"To my own damn house obviously"

"Why don't you stay at mine?"

"You will regret keeping me at yours!"

He preens and tugs his hands softly at his waist,while the other rises on his elbows somehow managing to stand on his feet stumbling but reaching out to grab the other by his collar and pulling him closer breathing against his rough cheek-snuggling down into the crook of his neck comfortably staying there and giggling for a while.But the other just stood there patiently watching whatever this drunk child was doing.


Mile frowned at the sudden question tingled against his neck as the young man comes out from the little hide-out facing the older's frown a blush spread across his face and eyes narrow - he was looking messed up rather than cute.

"Why did you kissed me?"

He asked out of the blue and definitely Mile didn't had an answer to that question.What should he tell his long lost lover that he loves him?Such a stupid answer it would be!

Or should he say he was aroused - like he was now and every fucking time Apo was near him.He chose to be silent.

"I am sorry!"

Apo says which made Mile flinch and he didn't knew what he was apologising for as he watched the younger brush a hand through his hair placing a small peck on his cheek.

"I left you at a cliff-hanger that night."

Oh so it is about just the night a few days ago and what about seven years ago aren't you going to apologise for that,Mile just remained silent.

Apo grabbed Mile's hands which were hanging low beside his body and puts them against his ass pressing them hard which made their bodies collide and Apo moaned out while Mile was still trying to process whatever was happening.

"You were so hard"

"So hot"

"So crazy"

"So intoxicating"

"So warm"

Apo whispers against his neck and brushes his lips against the older's broad neck placing warm kisses and licking at irregular spots which made the sober one shudder and Apo chuckles as he feels the other's pants tightening against his throbbing erection which he could feel right on his own half erect.

"Why don't you touch me back?"

He says pulling back from the older's neck and pouting sulking over being the only one participating in this heated moment.

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