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Mile's pov~

I slept so well after ages tonight,never had such an amazing night in my life ever,I was smiling in my sleep - this doesn't feels real,right?

Even to me!And after opening my eyes I meet with the most beautiful sight one could ever see,my baby,my honey,my sweetheart,my everything - and just mine!I wonder how could someone look so pretty while all they do is sleeping.

Goodness Mile,you have certainly gone mad,get a hold of yourself - but really why should I?Isn't what love is supposed to be like?Isn't this how fools in love behave like?Being carefree of everything,I too want to forget about every thing,all I want is him next to me every morning,like this - mingled up in my embrace,breathing next to my chest and listening to every beat of my heart.

Why do I love you so much?I never understand!No matter whatever you do,all I can do is to love you..

But a scary thought creeps up to my mind - what if the history repeats itself?

I slid my arm from under his head,and slipped out of the bed carefully not waking him up,I stole a cigeratte from his dresser's drawer and lit it up,stood near the window puffing on it.

Last night when Apo confessed to me,I was really shocked,that's why I couldn't react sooner,I was scared and astonished at the same time.But his confrontations about me hurting his feelings too much actually lifted my soul.Was I too harsh?Did I got so blinded with my hatred,that I forgot even humanity?I must be too insane to treat him like that - whatever the reason's might be..

But,we claimed to forget the past and move on,will we be able to?Can I really get over it?Can I stop being paranoid?Or dubious?

He clearly refused to talk about Jeremy - and didn't even mentioned about his identity of Porsche or Nattawin!This is really confusing me now,could it be that he really wants to leave the past behind that's why he didn't talked about it,or,is he going to do the same thing again?Whatever it might be,one thing is for sure that I am not going to let him repeat the same thing,and if he does,even I don't know what I am going to do with him this time!

"Why are you smoking now?"his voice startled me,as the cigeratte butt falls off my hand down to the floor.He was looking at me softly,blinking tiredly.

"Uh,you woke up?"I enquired him throwing the used cigeratte into the dustbin.

"Yes,the smell woke me up!"

"Oh,I was just craving for one!"

"Never mind,you stole mine?"

"Right!How are you?"

"Just tired..!"

"Hmm,so I'll go freshen up first"

"Okay,I will sleep a little more.."

He told me and again pushes his head back under the sheets,I know that after telling him everything last night I should now feel relaxed but I don't know why I am feeling even more confused.

I should consider his decision of forgetting everything and moving on together,but why does these thoughts keep pushing me on the back of my head.




He is showering inside and I have changed the bed sheet and have kept the clothes for laundry,I can't believe I am doing all this,suddenly my phone vibrated with a message.

:DAD:Mile,I hope you have reached there safely?


:DAD:I am sending you the file of our Real Estate,you should join it now..

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