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Apo pov~

It is now 20:15 ad here I am stuck in the busiest traffic at Phrom Phong having the most boring partner in the backseat.He asked me to drop him home and I agreed I don't know why?He must be tired I think but I really like his ride and expensive luxury car BMW i7 but I believe this was too much for a music professor.My house is completely in the opposite direction from where his was and now I am stuck in traffic I am not even sure if I can make it back home at time and then come back to uni tomorrow at time.Shit!

On top of that this man doesn't even let me turn on the music instead he just leans back on the seat and closes his eyes as if I am his uber driver.Son of a bitch!

"Can I turn on the music,please?"I try to request him again and again.

"Nattawin,don't make me repeat myself!"

I turn around to look at him while he stares at me blankly,silence clouding in between us while we communicate through eyes.My begging one's making request and his demanding one's refusing before his phone rings and we both come out from the eye-to-eye thing and I sit back in my seat and he takes the call.

He talks for about just 2 minutes,and then tells me to take a U-turn from the junction and drive to the opposite way."What?I am not your driver for you to boss me around!"I shout at him as we get out of the traffic."I need to pick someone."he answers like so what I was here to drop you back home not to help you with picking up someone.

"I will be too late to go back home!"

"You can sleep at mine."he says like nothing has happened-so casually to ask someone to stay at your home.I would never invite someone to stay at my home.

"I won't stay at yours!"I spat back at him which made his face twitch in anger and disappointment."Then better use your hands then your tongue.Drive faster!"

"Jerk!"I cussed at him,of course who else to blame I should have just refused to him initially I don't know why the fuck I agreed to drop him to his home.

"I heard that!"he snaps back at me before telling me a specific place to drop by and I am following his instructions like a stupid driver."I will charge extra for this bullshit!"

"You wish!"he says before leaning back and closing his eyes and I just stared at him through the dash board's rear view mirror,man I didn't take up this job for this bullshit.After a short drive of 20 mins we reached the place he told me to and there was a lot of people there now which motherfucker are we waiting for.

"There,we are here.Tell your guest to appear sooner."I told him and he sits straight on his seat pulling out the phone from his pocket and giving a ring to someone and told me to wait for a little more,honestly my thin line of patience is withering away and at no moment I can get up to smash this guy's head against the car-window and you can't really blame me.This is pissing me off now.

A little while- my butt!It's been now 45 minutes that we are waiting here for someone I don't know,never felt so foolish before in my life like What the fuck!

"I am taking a bus back to uni-suit yourself and your guest as well."I said and looked around to see what he has to say but he just looks at me in disbelief his lips curled up into some words which stopped before coming out of his throat before he signals me to see that his guest has arrived.

There was a guy-he was short and thin,with short hair falling on his eyes and a thin but creepy smile on his face.Looks more like a twink to me with pale skin as he wears a crop-top with really short shorts with a paper polythene in his hand as he waits for me to unlock the car for him to get in.

"Oh,sorry I got a little late!"he says in an absolutely thin tone which turned the saliva in my mouth to bile and I really felt nauseous around his presence and on top of that the extra sweet smell coming from him was annoying and what does he mean by a little- you made us wait for like an hour.

He settles near Mile at the backseat his thighs brushing with the other's,and I do realise what he was or what he was doing but why am I affected by this maybe I am just disgusted by it.I look up at the rear view and Mile's dark orbs were actually focused at me while he deeply said,"To my house."

I nodded as I turned the car around to drive-honestly it was quiet and I wasn't really concentrated on the two people in the backseat.And the traffic was quite sorted than before so the ride was smooth and straight without any hustle but it would still take an hour for me to drive him to his place.

Suddenly I heard a sloppy noise from the back accompanied with a soft moan and I just freezed maybe I was just hearing it like they won't be doing it here-right?But the noises just increased as the soft tone of that twink was increasing I looked up at the rear view on top of the dashboard and Mile was staring right at me as he said,"Take it deeper"in a raspy voice which made me hit the brakes and turn around and this was the worst.

The twink's face burried into his huge lap sucking onto him and making dirty noises,while Mile's hand went into his hair grabbing a fistful of his hair to pull him up which made his length sprang out of the other's mouth and drop towards his torso and I just gaped at the horrible event.

"Did I told you to stop?"he said with a fierceness in both his eyes and his voice which made me shiver from head to toe-my hands were now sweating as my toes trembled and I turned around to start the engine again and tried to keep my eyes away as much as possible but why does my eyes keep lingering back to the mirror only to catch a glimpse of the deep-dark eyes who kept staring at me.

An uneasiness builds inside me-it was difficult to bear the noises and everything but something was different why does every time that slut moans I want to throw him out of the car and punch across his face.And why does this man keeps on looking at me.Look at your slut when you do him.

There was a noise of shuffling someone from the back and I didn't dared to pick my eyes to see what was happening,no sooner I could hear the sounds of skin slapping along with heavy moans and groans-God,they are doing it for real!

And I kept praying that we don't have to stop anywhere-if we did people would be staring at us!This man is shameless-I noticed a head appearing next to my face bobbing to and fro with sloppy skin sounds and moans-he was moaning right in my ear and I just drove faster so I can get rid of this trauma easily.

Louder and louder as they went it was now nearly 30 minutes of them fucking like crazy animals and everytime I stared at the mirror the pair of those eyes stared right at me and the uneasiness just grew even more.Finally he told me to stop the car and so I did.And both of them got out of the car when Mile pulled out a pile of notes from his blazer and gave it to the guy and he left.I am traumatised now.Where am I stuck?

He comes back and knocks on the window and asks me to come out I followed and he sits in the driver's seat an drives off suddenly vanishing into the busy street and I stood there dumbfounded - Did he just brought me here to show me a live porn?


To Be Continued....

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