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//smutty smut

//really nasty

//basically too much love,plz prepare ur heart for this ;)


Both of them were tangled in each other's arms exchanging kisses and giggling together as they stumbled into the living room,with rain drops dripping from the hem's of their pants and hair were wet and messed up and they keep on exchanging wet and sloppy kisses as they looked for a place to have a pleasant sex and nothing could be better than a soft mattress and a bed that make screeching noises as you jump atop it.

Mile held Apo from his arm who was about to fall by stumbling into the sofa with effect and as they both looked at each other they both burst into laughter.

"Oh,my love has a great effect on you!"Mile tells him pulling him up into the stairs and pinning him against the wall standing in between the stairs,looking at each other fondly when Apo chuckles and grabs Mile's neck and pulls him closer.

"Yeah?This isn't enough for me,give me more!Hmm?"

Mile fondles his lip between his teeth before attacking Apo's neck with his tongue sucking and licking on it everywhere,still remaining conscious of the bruise he left earlier;


While Apo at the other end was rubbing his thigh against Mile's hard manhood, generating a hot contact in between them that caused Mile to release out a hard groan in between the biting and sucking, the older worked more hardly and fondly. Apo moans out his name as he pinches Mile's hair near his neck and pushes his face harder into the cavity.

When Apo's hands could no longer be restrained, they reached out to undo Mile's shirt buttons before letting it fall off his shoulders. As they both indulged in another passionate kiss, their tongues mingled and competed for dominance while they both sucked loudly on each other's mouths.

When Apo drags Mile towards his bedroom, the undone shirt was still lying in the stairs, and Apo's pants, which Mile had just dropped from his waist down to his ankles, were thrown near the door of the chamber. Apo pushes Mile's face away as his breath shortens. Panting and huffing both of them again exchange lewd looks while just staring at each other. Their breaths were hot against each other's faces.

The door opens, and Mile pushes Apo onto the mattress. The younger one moves back and positions himself so that his back is against the wall of pillows, watching with a giggle and delight as Mile crawls up to Apo with both of his hands on the mattress.After another great kiss, the younger man promptly parted his knees to let the older man to slip in between. Mile then quickly moved forward to take off Apo's tee, leaving him absolutely naked while still wearing only a half-dress.

A blush spreads across Apo's cheeks that advanced down to his neck as Mile stared at his protruding erection and bites his lip,Apo immediately covers his eyes with his hands and throws his head back on the pillow when Mile leans in and kisses the other's belly before flattening his tongue against the younger's hot skin and advancing it up to his chest fondling his nipple,biting and licking on it while pinching and twisting the other.


Mile's stamina had only increased, and he was working more passionately. As Apo moaned his name, he reached down to grip the young man's erection and tightly clasped his hand around it, rubbing the tip with his thumb, and didn't stop kissing his chest.And the young man's heart was palpitating as he arches his back and grabs the cushions into tight fists gritting his teeth and releasing muffled sounds.

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