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Apo was jumping around in his house in a to and fro motion,he'd go to the kitchen then back to the living and rush over to his room.He hasn't been more restless in his life than now.He would come and check on his phone every second and hope to get the message from the uni.

His phone buzzed and a private number flashed on the screen,he knew it was Bible.

"Hello,Bible.How are you?Why did you disconnected so abruptly yesterday?Are you okay?Where are you?"he attacked him with a bunch of questions and Bible could be heard chuckling from the other side.

"What?I am dead worried since yesterday and you are laughing.Go away I am not talking to you!"he pouted cutely.

"If I was there I would have kissed that little pout"

"What?"he said cheeks flushing with red as his heart pounded a thousand times per second at the mere mention of that.

"How are you,Po?"his voice turned so sweet and apo felt like his whole body melted it was such a relief when he heard his soft voice that was for him just him.

"How are you,Bib?"Apo asked his voice was low but soft laced with worry from yesterday's events.

"I am doing good,baby.Tell me about yourself?Aren't you going to work today?"

"Uh-I don't work for Jeff anymore.."he said sadly at which Bible frowned.


"He terminated me,said I was too old-fashioned for his bar."he said with a disappointed grin."Five years of work,and look?"

"Hmm,What will you do now?"

"I just gave an interview for ano -"

He went quiet as he heard someone call Bible's name from behind and Bible was talking about something po couldn't understand he pressed the phone harder into his ear as if he could hear it well then,aish this kid!

"Uh - Po I will call you later tonight.Okay?"

"Yea,okay.I love you and take care of yourself"

"I love you too.I will call later tonight."he said and declined the call.

The whole day was silent,no message from the uni or anyone just a good morning text from his brother.Apo was sitting in his balcony with his legs hanging down from the arm rst of the cushioned chair as his head lazily hangs over the head rest and his right arm hanging down holding onto the empty coffee mug.

The sky was orange and blue,it was sunset time and the sun-light glowed on his tanned skin and eyes gleaming in orange as he got up from his chair and leaned over at the balcony watching the little amount of people wandering about and sighed in frustration,it was difficult to remain at home sitting idle.

The phone buzzed on the table nearby and all of his attention dropped to it,unlocking it his face lit up in a bright smile but at the same time a sense of nervousness came up to him,his hands trembled before opening the message worried and wishing luck to favour him this time.

Mr.Apo Nattawin Wattanagitiphat,

 Through this email we hope to find you in a great health.We are delighted to inform you that you have been selected for the role of the assistant to our music professor.You are required to join your role from tomorrow itself.Please come at 10:00 to sign the job contract and other details shall be provided to you tomorrow.

Warm Regards,

The University Of Bangkok.

His face lit up like one of the brightest stars in the sky,his skin was gleaming with joy.He was jumping a little in excitement as he showered the text displayed on his face with a bundle of kisses making the loud smooching sounds and muttering "Thank You" in between the kisses.

Seconds later he realised where he was as he noticed the sharp glaring eyes of the old uncle of his neighbourhood but he just smiled at him nonchalantly before his eyes glued back to the screen of his.

"God has certainly granted my wish.I love you!"he said looking up to the sky he has never been so relieved before but a little stress of performing a job completely new to him and making a good impression at work still lingers on in his mind as he leans against the balcony looking at his brother's message"Hia will always take care of you.I will never let you down code.Hia loves you"he whispers under his breath as he kissed the screen before pulling it close to his heart as if embracing his brother through the phone.

His heart felt light he hasn't completely lost the battle and life was new again.It was good to be able to earn and follow your passion again,"Mom,you must be proud of me today."he smiled looking at the moon and the stars that were shining gloriously in his eyes.

Next Morning ~

Apo pov-

I rushed across the room to grab my bag with a little requisite stuff,I can't afford to be late at the first day of my work.This work may require a formal dress code butt I rather choose to wear a white tee with my denim straight jeans.It feels comfortable,if they have a problem with this they better tell me straight.

Oh!And also a bright smile ,how much bright I look myself in the mirror and smile showing my teeth,nah this is too much changing a variety's fake smiles will remain fake.Let's see as I walked out of the house and put on a helmet and start off my engine on my way to the uni.The bus is quite uncomfortable.

I reached the uni but where am I supposed to go,I saw the same girl from yesterday."Hello!"

She turns around to look at me and greeted me sweetly returning my hello with a warm handshake "I was waiting for you.Come let me take you to the music room."she tells me and starts walking towards an elevator at a short distance and I just followed her.The university was as I imagined or just far better than that.Huge corridors led to fancy classrooms and glass stairs leading us to the room.

"I see you have seen around quite well."she laughs a bit at it and I just stood there embarrassed as well as nervous."You are bound to be nervous the music teacher is a blue.A bit cold,a bit aloof and stand-offish."she added as we walk past an auditorium hall.

"But he seemed cool to me."I responded as I can clearly the warm smiles he gave me yesterday the one who interviewed me.The woman in front of me halts and turns on her heel to face me and I was confused as she gave me a little surprised oh.

"Are you mistaking P'Chan as the professor?Oh you poor thing.He is the HR manager and is responsible for hiring faculty"she says calmly before turning around and fixing the strand of hair falling on her face and tucking it behind her ear.

My jaw almost drops to the floor,so who is the real boss here?I ponder as my hands and feet starts to feel cold as my heart throbbed hard in my chest, a cold boss again.Ah!

"Here you are,she stops in front of a room with a huge glass door at which hangs the name-plate saying Music Room.The door was ajar meaning someone was already inside I clear my throat as the woman pats on my shoulder and returns back.I opened the door and entered the room.And I saw a familiar figure in front of me.


To Be Continued...

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