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The sound echoed loud vibrating through the posh apartment returning back to the two men standing in front of each other.After spending such a hot night Mile has never expected Apo to reach him out and collide his raging hot hand against his cold rough cheek leaving imprints of his tender fingers.Numbness travelling on the left cheek reaching up his head aching like  an old migraine - of course he expected him to be mad when he woke up sober or whatever but being insulted like this slapped across his face in his own house wasn't only just against his expectations but his ego as well.

The next moment Nattawin was dragged across the hall to be slammed against the T.V wall - a fine tight grip against his neck pressing hard on his wind pipe , raising him from the ground now hanging up against the wall; his nerves were blocking eyes rolling back to his skull and the unacceptable hotness under his hand was completely ignored by Mile - looking right into the other's eyes with his very own cold one's meeting with the other's equally oddly cold and red yet tears forming at the brim caused probably by the chokehold on him.

Mile removes the hand causing the other to fall down to the floor coughing and choking on his own saliva and breath touching his numb and painful neck eyes burried down to the floor beneath him rubbing his hand against his hot forehead still coughing getting out of breath the other remained unconcerned squatting in front of him grabbing his jaw harshly nails digging into the younger's chin making it painful for the other to hiss when his face was pulled up in such an abusive manner looking straight into his eye with rage - dareness!

"How dare you!"

Were the only words that came out of his mouth while showering his lover with pain,the other was equally infuriated just equally he jerked away his face from the painful grip hitting his hand against the wall behind looking at the other one - while he himself wasn't bothered by the throbbing in his head right now it was way less than what was in his heart - way too less..

"And how fucking dare you!"

He almost spat those words at Mile grabbing his collar his eyes raging hands hot body was burning with fume,Mile's expression changed from hot raging to now getting away with his troubles he was looking anywhere but on Apo.

"What do you mean?"

He says shrugging his collar away from the other's hands only to be pulled back aggressively hot breath landing on his lips their noses were almost touching but nothing was weak or romantic here it was all about pain and dismay;anger and disappointment;betrayal and feeling of being used - hatred and love;bad romance and ugly truth - past and prologue.

"You know well!YOU DO MOTHERFUCKER.."

Apo screams right in Mile's face jerking him grabbing from his collar nails digging and pawning in his collar blades - Mile has never witnessed this side of Apo not today not yesterday not ever he knew what Apo was talking about he never imagined him to breakdown like this but some ugly and evil part of him was satisfied upon seeing him in pain and dismay;he was somehow happy to witness how Apo was being wrecked and broke - he loved to see him hurt this was pure satisfaction to see someone who had once given you immense pain and despair being all vulnerable and breaking down in front of you.

Nothing in him was guilty - all he was full of joy and pleasure yet glad he has planned to witness more than this.It was just the beginning - his first step towards his vengeance ;a vengeance towards love.He wants to show Nat how an ugly love looks like - he just want him to feel what he felt.A love dark and bad - like a slow poison consuming him slowly into the dark abyss of death and dismay.

"So ?"

He had the audacity to say something like this - the victim's eyes were now sullen hands trembling thrown away left sitting on the floor to himself as the older walked away like they were discussing weather - the fuck!

"You raped me..!"

Mile paused turning on his heel cocking his eyebrow hands tucked into his pockets as he glances pitifully at the poor creature like a royal man would look at a lowly peasant judging the very existence of his rolling his eyes and then back to the same gross merciless look in his eyes.

"I did what you asked for..."

He says so nonchalantly the younger springs up from the cold wooden floor looking the other in his eye - the amber orbs were full of disbelief.

"I was drunk - you were sober.."

He said politely voice was much low than before.

"You begged so well.."

"You - yourself wanted to be wrecked like an animal"

"This isn't possible - no way!"Apo says stealing the eye contact looking around to see if there is water to drink his throat was going dry his heart was throbbing he knew he would break down at any moment.

His hand reached out to the glass at the dining table that was chased away by the other,

"Remember what you said?Well,let me remind you..."

Mile leans in lips against his ear warm breath settling over his ear lobe ...

"Show me how much of an animal are you!"

"Touch me like you want."

"Use me as you wish"

"Pound me till I even forget my own name."

"Fuck me,daddy!"

He repeated these words again and again much more gently and vulgarly holding Apo tight against his chest as he tried to escape from those words pushing away Mile from himself he placed his palms against his ears covering them avoiding whatever he did - wasn't sure if Mile was lying making everything up.


He lashes out throwing a flower pot in Mile's direction which the other escaped easily laughing at how bad Apo was feeling right now - a sadistic monster;a carefree rapist.

"This is the truth..."

"You begged me like a whore to fuck you - to wreck you"

"And now you are complaining?"

Mile says amusingly seeing the tears building up in the younger's eyes as he curls his lips to say something but gets quiet of course words won't come out of his throat - he was at the verge of breaking down.

"I was fucking drunk..."

"That's your trouble"

"Fuck you Mile!"


Apo looked at him in disbelief he did a huge mistake believing that this man might be any nicer ever - how taking advantage of a drunk person and then buzzing off it calling the other a whore was so easy for him.He can't be a human,no fucking way..

"Keep looking at me like that and I am gonna fuck you all over again"

Mile tells him walking over to him,the other wasn't shocked a person like Mile Phakphum speaking like this was no more a surprise for Apo Nattawin.He picks up the glass of water splashing it against the egoistic man's face soaking his hair face and shirt with water that made the professor flinch in surprise and anger.

"Of course - a fucking pervert like you can't do more.But let me remind you I am not one of those fucking whores of yours.You get it motherfucker..!"

He says sarcastically pulling out a folded envelope from his pant's pocket throwing it on the table.

"For you,Phakphum!"

To Be Continued....

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