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My eyes were heavy as I slowly blinked to witness the dim light in my room coming from behind the drawn curtains - the air conditioner was working and I was dumped under my sheets;my whole body felt numb starting from the roots of my hair down to the tip of my toes everything was hurting and especially my head was about to explode with pain - the herbal spirits have just messed me up.But an exceptionally sharp sting was present in my lower back I must have fallen somewhere in my drowsy state.

I am trying to get up from under the sheets but it just seems impossible to move even an inch - god this was annoying;I glanced around to catch my phone on the cabinet near by,maybe I should remain in my bed and scroll a little through my instagram.

Mr.Great and Busy!

: I have a matter to attend and I won't be back for a week - you can stay home till then or go to campus - upto you...

Ahhh!A long vacation finally something I was missing for a while now but wait why does my voice sound so hoarse I don't remember having a sore throat - suddenly;my stomach agitated and grumbled like an off-balance washing machine.My stomach is carousing with my kidneys and gut knotted tighter than a hangman's noose round the neck of a 300-pound wrestler. 

My throat filled up with a foul taste as I got up hurriedly to reach the bathroom before I end up dirtying the whole floor puking on it - but my body gave up on the very same idea my legs wobbled before loosing balance making me land on the cold floor where I found myself in just my briefs and this pink tee but I don't remember changing my clothes and my butt colliding with the floor causing a sharp pain to shoot up my whole spine;a spat of ill yellow bile splurted out of my mouth with a malodorous smell spreads across my room my stomach coiled and my eyes shut close as the puke sucks the remaining bit of energy in my body.

The reeking smell disgusted me before another whirl builds up in my stomach climbing up to my esophagus and I ran to the bathroom bending up over the pot pouring the stinky burning acidic liquid into it.My throat was burning apart from being sour.I have never felt so sick in my life and it is just alcohol - surprising to me at least!

I picked up an old rag from the distant corner of my almirah ignoring my muscles screaming with tireness and pain - my throat was getting dry and my eyes were burning but of course I must clean the mess I made;I threw the rag onto the stained spot and cleaning thoroughly I had to spray the room freshener to get rid of the smell.

I walked down to the lounge and it was exceptionally clean - like since when my house became so organised and settled.Something feels unusual about all this - first my clothes then this and this unusual sickness following after.My hands rumbled through the culinary searching for my white mug making myself a coffee and settled on the sofa to drink it.

Placing my bum against the leather surface left a soreness and sting shoot through my gut - did I fall off a valley to be this hurting;sipping on my coffee and watching the news on the T.V - the same typical things;so called global warming;dirty politics and always popping on the news RST mafia clan who this time as well in highlights for being behind the mass drug scam,I seriously don't get why this very clan is so famous.

Come to think of it - every time this clan is in rumours Mile always disappears I mean like just connecting dots but of course he can't be one of the unknown future heirs but maybe a henchman ; because why would a son of The RST work as a professor.Come on I am just playing around,,after all...

I leaned back towards the backrest and a strange bleach like smell caught my nose remembering it I smelled it before in my bathroom but I thought it might be just the puke but here - this smell was like;like semen - it smelled like sex...

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