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The room was dark,just the dim light coming from the golden lamp near the bed and the whole room reeks of alcohol and quite sniffles could be heard,the other sound was the continous flickering of the lamp.

Mile has locked himself in his house for the past two days,no light in the house except that one flickering lamp curtains drawn all he has done in these two days is to drink alcohol almost emptying the whole of his grand bar,designed from oak wood dim light in every section the black steel bar table and green cushioned bar stools the vintage vinyl staying at the distant corner.

Tears slowly flow down his cheeks some dried in his eyes,bit by bit he keeps on drinking and gets disgusted from himself only,cursing himself for loving that man,as to why he would love him so much that even after everything he would still want him,crave for his fragrance-he hopes it's still the same.He yearns to pull him in his embrace,cry against his chest as he used to.But he certainly doesn't cares-how how he pulls off a poker face everytime.How he kissed someone else in the middle of a street.This thought doesn't brings him hatred but instead his heart aches-he clenches his chest as he remembers what his doctor said in his last checkup."Khun Mile ,you must stop drinking if you keep on drinking like this , at this rate you might die" and he just laughs off that thought,who wants to live here dying is actually far better than living like this!

"It was better when you weren't around but seeing you in front of my eyes with someone else is actually the worst!If you never intended on loving me why would you ever come back like that stand in front of me so proudly and acting like you don't even know me!?"Mile would scream his lungs of his hand continously thumping against the floor,he stretches out his hand to grab the bottle of whiskey from the table and puts it to his mouth,but what comes out of it was nothing it was all over,he drank it all.He would smash the bottle against the wall leaving small glass pieces everywhere along with the many glasses and bottles he broke before,anxiety takes over him his vision is blurry,he gets up from the floor,his legs were vaguely shaking due to the affect of alcohol,but what could stop this bastard from going away again to pull one more from his bar.

He stops midway the hall glancing towards the dark empty corridor that led to a room and ends thereby,his stumbling feet and shaky body moves towards the door,tears yet again building up as his hands hesitated before turning the knob and he clenched his fists before opening the door,he opened the door and immediately the lights were all bright,what kind of automatic system was this!The bright light hurted his eyes making him clench them tight and covering them with his hand that was covered in blood from the glass pierced through his skin but it barely affected it was much less than his heart,it was!

The room was all painted white,calm and soft windows covered by white curtains at a distance there was a black piano,mile took baby steps towards it,touching it with much delicacy,wiping the blood off his hand against the fabric of his expensive flared pants,he caressed the words carved on it smoothly.."A Mon Amour" tear dropped from his eye.

Gaze shifting towards the violin resting proudly against the soft cushioned white surface near a flower pot,they were fresh he takes care of them how could he not..red carnations were his favourite.As he slowly walks over there no courage left in his heart to pick it up and play it,the green sticky note still lying atop it's wooden surface saying "Play it for me naa,Phi'Mile :)" and he turns about on his heel so he can't see it no more.

And then his gaze fell towards the wall covered all over with photo frames big ,small,golden,silver,white,brown,wooden,metallic but the face in them was the same.

The deep brown eyes,the soft smile..the little giggles that Mile could hear from every picture his eyes fall upon,some had Mile in it some didn't because he was the photographer.Him playing with cats,running on the beach and just reading a book,the man was down so bad for him,he still is!He walks over and removes one from the wall,the he was most fond of he still remembered what happened that day.....

"Phi if you give me food probably I will talk to you!"

"Yeah?But aren't you still talking to me"

"Nope,I am angry but if you buy me croissants maybe I can forgive you"

"Yeah!Okay!Whatever my baby wants!"

"Thanks phi,I love you "

"I love you too,porsche"

And the pretty bubble of that day bursts in his head.He clenches the frame against his chest as he murmurs something under his breath which can't be really described but he was hurt,he missed him!At a distance a door opening could be heard but he didn't bothered maybe his brother had come some of his friends might have told him that Mile is off work,he could be worrying about his little brother.

Foot steps approaching near by and his grip on the frame tightens as if he is protecting it,the person dashes into the room shutting the door behind them as if someone will see them and cuss over it."Mile!" he calls out,but Mile doesn't budge instead grunts low in a tipsy voice,"Leave me alone Tong!"he replies.

"Yeah?So that you could drink all day-night and die over that traitor !"he claims confidently yet ferociously making Mile turn around to look at him as he carefully places the frame against the wall,"He has come back!"mile says voice barely coming out from his throat and Tong stumbles on his feet not on the statement but his brother's state,he looked petty even bad than the whole house and he hates porsche for the mess he had made his brother into,the soft boy who has always giggled and laughed has lost somewhere."Come on Mile,he is not porsche he is just some random Nattawin!"Tong exclaimed as he walked past his brother towards the wall and grabbed the frame from before ready to throw it in some direction but was instantly grabbed from his neck and dragged upto the window where he was firmly placed against the window by his own brother,"He is him"Mile says tightening his grip he doesn't care who is at his grip right now.

"He just looks like him.Porsche ran away with the Italian's son,why would he come back and work his ass off at some petty bar."Tong manages to say despite the breath-choking hold on his throat voice low but words clear,he wanted mile to understand this but it was like banging his head against the wall,Mile realises what he is doing and immediately leaves his brother and turns around to leave the room,he softly whispers before leaving "Anybody can look like him,but not anyone can be him.Nattawin is Porsche!.No matter how much he tries to play like a fool,I will uncover this soon."and leaves Tong confused there."Watch out,don't be fooled again!"Tong shouts from behind the closed door.

To Be Continued...

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