268 20 27


//extreme torment

//mention of rape



It was late hours of the day,the city was especially loud and busy this evening and the sky was painted in all orange and blue with sun sparking dimly behind the clouds that were grey and dark seemed like it will rain this night.People roamed around on the streets horns honking in a distance,sparrows chirruping aggressively - in the midst of the busy city of Nakhon Pathom a house not too grand not too shabby was dark and dull.

The door opened with a click and a tall tanned young gentleman enters inside with a few bags in his hands seeming to be full of fresh vegetables and milk and yogurt,he carefully removes his shoes making sure he doesn't removes the small bandage along and places the bags atop the counter nearby an electronic gadget pressed against his ear as he continues to talk.

"Yeah,I just got home..today was so good tho right?But guess we went too far,that was hard man!Haha.."

"Hmm,I'ma now go sleep you take care.."

He enters into the living area and almost fell due to the shock he received,a man lurking in the dark sitting comfortably on the couch the lamp switch was turned on and the latter takes a relieved breath when he comes across the familiar figure,the dim golden light lighted up his pale skin beautifully and eyes highlighted,red veins appearing in those onyx orbs.

"Oh,Mile you are here?"

"Where were you,Nattawin?"

The younger male flinched at being questioned like that all of a sudden,the older's voice was calm but cold that was too unfamiliar to the other one but he just scratches the back of his neck and answers immediately but hesitantly though.

[A]"Well there was a reunion at Jeff's so.."

[A]"And what about you?Where had you been?You didn't even answered my calls neither did you replied my to my LINE texts!Hmm?"

He asks throwing his hands at his lower back shifting his weight on to one leg meanwhile the other one was busy watching his actions carefully since the last two minuted he hasn't even bothered to blink.

"Are you so tired?"Mile asks looking straight face was motionless still.

"Huh?That wasn't the answer to my question!"the young male frowns and twists his head in annoyance.

[M]"Whom did you hang out with?"

[A]"Uh,why would you wanna know?You don't even tell me anything about yourself?"


[A]"Just worried.."

[M]"About me?"

[A]"No,your son - duffer!"

[M]"Amusing?Where have you learnt this?"


[M]"Being like this.."

[A]"Like what?"

[M]"So who was it tonight?"


[M]"How much did he paid?"

"The fuck you talking about!"Apo says and turns around taking a step forward but was immediately grabbed by those strong pair of arms that clutched him hard painfully.The old man takes a deep inhale against the other's neck,

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