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After his stay of four day,Mile was all set to leave but his brain was even more puzzled than before he hasn't talked to Apo in these four days neither has he answered his calls nor did he replied to his text messages,but the young man's thoughts kept haunting his mind for sure at night in the day every hour every minute every second...

It seemed as if the agony from the past has returned and Mile wasn't sure if he should hold on to him more tight or let go..while walking out of the mansion he hasn't bothered to greet his father as the old male was about to get in the car a hand held his arm holding him back.

And the person was no other but his elder brother who was staring at him like he was a serial killer who has murdered innocent people for the satisfaction of his own mind.

"What?"Mile snatches back his arm looking straight at the other gentleman..

"You should pay heed to father's words."

"Oh,you are a year older from me..worry about yourself"

"I am talking about Porsche..you should move on and let that kid go"

"You told papa?"

"No,don't want to worry him.But you fucking need to realise that he isn't Porsche"

"He is..okay!"

"Even if he is Porsche still you should let him go because you very well know what happened last time.Watch your step Mile,you are walking the same path all over again."

"What do you mean?"

"If he is Porsche why would he have a change of heart all of a sudden..!Ever thought that?He is going to play the same game and I am just warning you to be careful don't become his puppet once again."

"Trust them,but not blindly..do not repeat history."

Tong patted his shoulder and walked back into the house while the perplexed male kicked a stone nearby in his anguish and the agony hasn't just ended after being chided by his elder brother with a spice of reality,he turns around only to find the most hated man in existence his brother Bible.

Both exchanged bitter looks as if to kill each other by just looking - Bible was a peace lover let's say so he was going to let this pass by walking away but Mile definitely was a fan of war.

"You shouldn't have done that.."Mile started taking a step back leaning against the car door with his legs crossed at his ankles and hands tugged in pant's pockets.And the other male's steps halted he looked over his shoulder to find the arrogant and despair state of his hia.

"Whatever was it - it was between me and him,you don't work yourself up"he responded in a rather annoyed tone.

"Why shouldn't I?Stay away from him!"

Bible turns around to look at Mile and walks two steps further crossing his hands at his back leaning forward 

"Well well,I am not interested in other's shit anyways..."

"Uh huh,if that was the case why are you crumbling on your uncle's scratch.Well taken after your father - just a bunch of leaches..sucking up for money"A wonderful grin plays over Mile's lips as he saw the other one gritting teeth and frowning.

"Hmm,better than your hoe!Have you ever imagined how many more men he must be sleeping with?Come to think of it,now that you are here who knows who else's bed is he warming up.."

"One thing I must say that slut definitely knows how to make the best use out of himself.."

Bible's face lighted up in a cunning grin as his eyebrows twitched and he slightly laughs watching the annoyed rage in Mile's eyes because a part inside Mile is itching to believe what Bible is saying but it was hard to supress those impulsive thoughts and he bursts out in anger and arm swayed out to hold Bible's collar looking straight into his eyes with his dark devious one's.

But the victim was rather amused than scared he laughs ironically earning a puzzled and more annoyed stare from the elder male as he proceeds to hold the attacker by his waist gently fondling his butt holding the now repulsive elder tight by his another arm.

"Oh come on Hia,a famous dish when served openly everyone has a right to have a taste - so did I..what's so wrong about it?The only difference was that I thought that the dish was just mine but guess what I was so wrong,but you should be wise hia,don't make a fool out of yourself..okay?"

Mile pushes him with all his might and points his index finger towards Bible..

"You stay away from him!"

The conversation was abrupted by Bible's phone ringing which was pulled out by him and a cunning smile flashes across his face when he sees the phone's screen and he looks at Mile with those dark obnoxious yet mocking eyes.

"Seems like your pet needs a little lesson from you."

He says twisting his phone screen towards Mile which flashed with the contact calling.."PO<3"

And at the very next moment Mile's face has gone pale his roaring actions were now turned into sullen and timid,voice was stuck in his throat and words have stopped forming- guess he was all wrong about Apo mending his ways and now being actually nice.

"Tch,but I won't answer this one.Let's say in the honour of my hia's respect!"he pats Mile's chest with his phone before walking back to the mansion and Mile just stood there drowning in the pool of his agony,the path he was walking all along was never comfortable but has grown more thorny with the growing passage of time.

And once again he was the one at the suffering end,the lover he has cherished since long has actually turned out to be his biggest foe who never actually attacked him like a leopard jumping up on his chest but rather like a crocodile hiding in the mud.

Slowly observing and working on to find a prey and when he has got one he would jump on them and finish them for once and all,but the big part was why again?But the conclusion is Mile himself got mingled with him this time - maybe it was never the other one aiming for Mile this time.

Or maybe there is something left at the the blind spot - a fact that he can't figure out,maybe the someone he considers in an ugly frame is actually the victim of a bigger picture.Or maybe there is someone else hiding in the mud aiming for prey's.

A foe in the face of a friend - a fox in a sheep's skin!

To Be Continued...

<it took me a while to publish this one,it is a bit short but if i compiled the upcoming scene this one would be just too much long so i didn't and the upcoming one is umm like too red flagship - I am sorry in adv,im preparing myself to write it,plz darllingss send some encouragement...fightingg!!!>

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