Chapter 1 - Virat and Patralekha's engagement

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After a long time, Chavan House is again decked up with lights and flowers. Why should it not? it's a happy occasion, their youngest son's engagement where the family again happily took part after moving on from the death of their elder daughters-in-law Megha.

2 years ago Megha left them in an accident. She was dearly loved by every member of the Chavan family so it was a great blow for all of them. It was Samrat and Megha's little daughter Riya who helped everyone to move on.

Samrat came to the party hall carrying his 4-year-old daughter. He looked towards the stage where the soon-to-be-engaged couple is standing along with other family members and relatives. There was a bored look on his youngest brother Virat's face as he wanted to be somewhere else than this limelight of his own engagement. He knew that it's not a love marriage like his and Megha's, it's an arranged marriage still he expected his brother to be interested to know the girl whom he is going to marry. But no he is not making any effort of doing that on the other hand the girl Patralekha is looking continuously toward Virat.

At that point some of Virat's friends and colleagues reached the party and Virat come down to reach them leaving his would be fiance there on the stage alone.

He remembered his engagement. He and Megha were high school sweethearts. As soon as he get his first posting as an IPS officer they got engaged and then married in the same month. How eager they were to be with each other.

He sometimes thinks that Megha died because of him. He is an honest police officer and at that time he was handling the case of a corrupt minister. He was asked to leave the case also. But Megha, who was the daughter of a police officer, also said him not to and gave him strength. When Megha was returning from the market after grocery shopping she faced an accident. The auto she was traveling was hit by a car. Both she and the driver died there only.

Soon Virat was called to the stage back by the priest as it was the muharat for the engagement ceremony. The rings were been exchanged, photos were clicked and all posed with happy smiles except the groom himself. He was not sad but not happy also.

After a few days of engagement, Virat was transferred to Mumbai. Patralekha wanted to meet him before leaving but Vrat chose to spend time with his family, especially with his two little munchkins Riya and Harini. Soon it was time for the teary goodbye for the Chavan family. 

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