Chapter 6- Their miseries

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Virat came back to Mumbai with the hope that he has got another chance at happiness he will tell everything to Sai and she might understand that they should fight for themselves. But when he entered Joshi house he came to know that Sai has left for a month-long medical camp.

This news broke Virat. Why! why are all these happening why does always life shows him hope and then snatch it away from him? He was okay with life, getting married for the family but no life has o bring Sai into his life and make him fall in love with her when he was already engaged.

Then when he confessed everything to Patralekha he expected her t blame her and say nothing can be done he has to marry her but no she gave him 2 weeks to make Sai agree to be with him but when he came back she left for a month. Hell with the situation. He got drunk and cried about his fate.

Sai was in tears after her encounter with Virat, it was very hard for her to cope up that she hurt him but her guilt is not allowing her to break someone else's relationship. She understood that it will be difficult for both of them to stay in the same city but stay away from each other. So she decided to leave the city and when she heard about the month-long medical camp where no one agreed to take charge she volunteered,  took the charge and left.

But leaving the city was not the end of her miseries. He is in her heart so forgetting him is not easy. In her team of interns, there are two couples and their open PDA is very tough for her to witness. When she saw them holding hands, smiling with each other, looking a each other in a special way Sai feels a sharp pain in her heart.

She thought that she also has a man who loves her. They also might have to spend a day with each other in the city, traveling on his bike, exploring places, spend quality time with each other holding hands but no life has other plans for them. They both love each other unconditionally but still, they can't be together.

The most difficult part of them is that he is ready to leave his commitment behind to be with her. but can she allow him to leave his family's reputation and commitment to his finance? She can never be. She can never be the cause of someone else's broken relationship and tarnish two families' reputations.

But when the broken and teary face of Virat comes to her mind she broke into tears. This is the moment she questions her virtue and decision. Sai can always ignore her own pain in front of her beliefs and virtue but what pains her a lot is the pain of the man she loves a lot. Sometimes she questions does she has taken the right decision by pushing him away from her and pushing him towards Patralekha. Does her decision cause uncontrollable pain to her love Virat?

But then she thinks that Patralekha loves him and she will erase his pain one day. As she herself is concerned she has taken the decision that she will stay single and devote her whole life to serving others. His memory is enough for her.

Numerous incoming calls from Virat it tough for her to stick to her stand. She cut his call again and again and finally texted "I don't want to communicate with you, you should call your finance." she broke down in tears after replying.

Within a few seconds she got a reply "don't tell me what should I do. I broke my engagement."

She was shocked seeing this and sent a text again in panic "you can't do this to her. You can't break her trust and ignore her feelings. Please don't do this."

In response she gets "whos talking about ignoring others feeling the same person who is ignoring my feelings."

She cried and cried that night. It's quite tough for her to push the man she loves toward someone else and he is making it more difficult by saying all these. She can't make him understand how much it is paining her to hurt him but her virtue and guilt aren't allowing her to keep him for herself though her heart wants him to keep as her always.

On the other hand, Patralekha was completely shattered. The moment she heard Virat she felt the earth under her feet being snatched away. But she loves him, she loves him from the core of her heart so she wants his happiness over her own pain. Though her self-respect allowed her to leave the cafe while holding her head high she broke down as soon as she reach her hotel room and closed the door. She cried her heart out, she shroud in her fate. But prayed for Virat and Sai though her heart bleed to think of him with someone else. 

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