Chapter 10- In each other's arms.

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After Sai accepted their mutual feelings and love for each other and decided to fight for their love the life of the couple become blissful. They spend the maximum time together in the hospital. Virat stayed 5 more days in the hospital for observation.

Virat's parents Ninad and Ashwini came to meet him and stayed at Vrat's place because the patient party was not allowed in the hospital except during visiting hours. Sai joined her duty and whenever she gets free time she comes to spend time with Virat. In fact, she stays after her shift over also.

In meanwhile, Virat told Sai that he met Patralekha and what conversation he had with her. He also told her that they need to contact her and convey to stop Kulguru to fix his and Patralekha's wedding date. Sai told him "Virat we really can't let her handle everything and take the blame. Here we are responsible for the mess created. So we need to take the blame also, she is agreed to break the wedding that's enough for us, I really looking forward to meeting her and thank her." he agreed with her and they both decided that first they will tell Patralekha and then they will disclose the family about their relationship.

Sai said "I think we should talk with juju first. He loved Megha di a lot and he will understand our situation better." Virat agreed and said "yes Jiva always gave me advice about love and relationship. He will understand that it happened with us. We fell in love with each other, and our hearts beat in the union." they both smiled and continue to chat about their future life. Soon they lost themselves in each other and their dream of living their whole life together.

When Virat was discharged from the hospital his family wanted to take him to Nagpur and look after him but his doctor didn't give the permission to travel. So there was no way but to stay in Mumbai itself. Virat's small apartment was not sufficient for all of them to stay there. There was another problem he used to stay on the 4th floor of the apartment and that apartment doesn't have a lift. it was impossible for Virat to climb.

So Mr. and Mrs. Joshi told that they love Virat like a son so they will be happy if Virat stays there. Also, there are two doctors to always look after him. Chavan's family couldn't say no and Virat was shifted to the room next to Sai's. Virata and Sai were the happiest people with this arrangement.

Ashwini Riya and Samrat stayed in Josi's house for a week. Virat was having a great time. He gets lots of time with all his favorite people. When Sai is home she looks after him and spends time with him. He is getting delicious food from his aai and favorite aunty, playing time with his sweetheart Riya and chatting with his jiva and uncle. Sunny also came to visit him and stayed in Virat's apartment with Mohit. So these two fellow also comes to meet him every day.

Meanwhile, Samrat noticed the interaction between Virat and Sai. last time when he came he didn't see them interact but this time it is completely opposite. He has seen Sai stay beside Virat in the hospital without caring about herself. First, he thought that Sai was doing that because of her gratefulness towards Virat as he saved her. But later he saw how they reacts around each other. He talked with Sunny regarding this. Sunny also told him that he noticed it too but he suppressed the conversation he had with Virat last time.

One day when Virat and Sunny were alone In the room finally he asked Virat "what's going on between you and Sai?" Virat gave him a big smile and Sunny said "You told her and she agree? Am I right? Absolutely I am right that's why this big smile is there on your face." Virat smiled again and nodded positively. Both the friends hugged each other and Sunny told Virat how happy he is for Virat. But the obvious question also come so Sunny asked him about Patralekha and Virat told him everything that happened here. 

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