Chapter 20- Patralekha's decision

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One day morning when all the elders met for discussing the last-minute preparation for the wedding function just 2 days ago the wedding. As per Patralekha and Samrat's request family kept the functions low key so instead of 2-3 days they decided the functions will start the day before the wedding.

Patralekha took the opportunity to voice her decision. She has already packed her bags as she knew might be her father will throw her away after listening to this. So after giving herself a pep talk, she walked down to face everyone and fight for her dreams.

She walked towards the elders and wished everyone "Good morning" All greeted her too "Good morning beta" She smiled towards them and said "I want to tell you all something. For the first time I am standing in front of you all to express my wish and decision." all waited except her parents. Her father said "What is this Pakhi? Why are you talking like this?" she smiled and replied "Baba from childhood I always did what you or other elders asked me to do never express my wishes and dreams, whenever I even tried to you scolded me and I stopped in fear. But today for the first time I am here with confidence and lots of courage to express my wish in front of all of you."

Patralekha's parents were really surprised their calm silent nervous girl is standing in front of people fearless and confident wanting to express her wishes. She took the opportunity of her parent's silence and started "I am sorry to inform you all so late but I am unable to go with the marriage, I do not want this marriage, I want to pursue my career." all including Samrat, Virat and Sai become shocked listening to this. Patralekha's father looked towards her as she has grown two horns in her head. He looked towards his shocked face of Samrat to realize that he didn't have any idea about his daughter's crazy idea.

He said in a raged voice "Are you mad? When Samrat is not having any problem, Chavans are not having any problem than what the hell are you saying just two days before the wedding?" she replied "he has no problem so what I am having the problem. I do not want to sacrifice my life I want to pursue my dream. I have been accepted in JNU for MA in psychology and I want to do it." her father become too angry and said "you applied without taking our permission? How dare you?" he tried to slap her but shocking everyone she holds his hand midway and said "I am an adult and have right to choose my career and life path you can't get me against my wish. It's a crime."

Her father was furious with her and said "You are showing me police and crime!! I will not allow you to stay in my house and misbehave with me. Leave my house if you don't want to silently get married." She smiled and said "I knew it baba. I knew that when I express my wish you will throw me from your house and I am ready for it. I have already packed my bags. Give me just 5 minutes." Her father said "comeback from your dream world. Where will you get money?? Without money, you can't service for a single day."

She smiled and said "I got a scholarship so I will not need my tuition charges and hostel charges. I applied for a loan and one of my friends signed as a guarantor. Lastly, dadi gave me some money which she saved in my name. I am prepared to face the world."

Saying this she went to her room. After 5 minutes she came back with her luggage and started to leave, bidding everyone a polite goodbye. When she was about to cross the door her father said "If you cross the threshold of this home today you will be considered as dead for me and your mother we will never see your face again." She turned once smiled sweetly and then without any word walked towards the waiting cab.

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