Chapter 11- Patralekha met Sai

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It's been one week since Virat was discharged from the hospital and recovered well. He had his first checkup and the doctor said 3-4 more days and he will be fit and fine. He also can join his duty next week. After listening to that Ashwini and Mohit thought to go back home. Samrat had to go back before as he had to join his duty.

Ninad with Patralekha and her parents comes to meet Virat and pick up Ashwini and Mohit. Patralekha's parents met him for a short time and went back to Virat's apartment as they were feeling awkward staying in Joshi House for a long time. Ninad had to go with them as he couldn't leave them alone.

Patralekha stayed back with Mohit as she wanted to talk to Virat privately and meet Sai. Sai was on duty when Patralekha and her family came to meet Virat so they haven't met Sai.

After her parents leave Patralekha wanted to talk to Virat. Joshi family and Mohit left the engaged couple alone to talk privately. When only they were in the room she say in a chair in front of him and asked "have you talked with Sai??"

He observed her facial expressions and said finally "yes we do. I am sorry Patralekha. All these incidents of her being held as capitative, me being injured made both of us can't live without each other." Patralekha smiled amidst tears in her eyes and said "so finally your stubborn ladylove realized the depth of her emotions and is out of the sacrificing zone. I am happy for you two Virat. Finally at least you two will get your love. "

Suddenly they heard a knock on the door and a young beautiful girl entered the room with three cups of coffee and plates of snacks. She asked, "hope I am not disturbing you two?" Patralekha smiled and walked towards her "not at all Sai. We don't have anything private to talk about. I wanted to meet you from the moment Virat spoke to me about the two of you. You are really beautiful."

Sai felt a bit shy and a blush rushed to her cheeks. She thanked Patralekha and sat on one side of Virat's bed only as there was no other place to sit.

Sai said "Thank you Patralekha for understanding. I am really sorry but we really don't understand how and when it all happened we started as friends only." Patralekha smiled at her and said "you are a very good human, you think about others before yourself. I understand that's why Virat fell for you. Don't feel guilty, please. I and Virat never had a relationship. Yes, we were engaged in a lavish party in front of lots of people but the relationship should be made from the heart. We never had a heart-to-heart connection."

Sai was in tears listening to Patralekha and said "but you love Virat." Patralekha confidentiality smiled "yes Sai I do love him but not obsessed with him. I love him, that's why I want his happiness. My one-sided love would haven't given anyone happiness but your sacrificing avatar would have destroyed three of our lives. So be happy. You saved me from an unwanted relationship. I believe that Love can happen twice so I will one day get my prince charming who will love me."

Sai hugged a stunned Patralekha and said "you are so good yaar. Can we be friends?" Patralekha responded in Sai's hug and hug her back. She smiled towards Sai and asked "Kavi Sautan kavi Saheli!! You are very innocent and simpleSai but I am a bit complicated, thanks to society. Not today, we can't be friends now as this situation and my mind will not allow me now but someday we will be when I will get over all this."

Sai smiled understandingly and said, "I will wait for the day, you will surely get your soulmate one day who will love you to the moon and back."

This time Virat also told, "I pray to God that soon you get your happy fairy tail."

Patralekha laughed and said "seriously you guys are so dramatic a perfect match made in heaven. Only you two can handle each other. On a serious note, we need to take action now. We need to cancel the marriage."

Virat said "Patralekha you don't need to take all the responsibility, I am coming to Nagpur next weekend and then I will handle the matter." she smilingly nodded and left the room after hugging Sai once again and bidding Virat Goodbye. 

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