Chapter 15- Tough call

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Samrat straight went to his own room. He felt that he is in a sinking boat in a huge sea. He felt helpless. If he denies the proposal then Virat has to marry Patraleha. Virat and Sai have to sacrifice their love. Both of their lives will be destroyed.

If he says yes then it will be unfair to Patralekha. He will never be able to give the position of his wife to her. For him, Megha will be always his love and his wife. He can never think of giving anyone the position of Megha in his life.

He walked towards the big portrait of Megha and started talking with it "Megha I am thoroughly confused what should I do? For me only you are my wife, how will I say yes to the proposal Megha? You know I can say no but then what will happen? Your dearest brother Virat and your lovely sister Sai both love each other, if I say no then they will be separated for their whole life." he then went to his daughter's room and watch her sleeping. He that day lies down beside her and sleeps.

At night he says Megha in his dreams convening to go with the proposal saying that they had their love story. Virat and Sai also deserve to get theirs. He woke up after the dream in the early morning and saw a notification on his phone. He opened the massage of Patralekha and it was written "Samrat ji I want to talk to you. Plee call me before 6 am." He looked towards the watch its 4 in the morning. He called her after initial hesitation.

She picked up the phone on the first ring only it shows that she was waiting for his call. She said "Thanks for calling. Samrat Ji I understand our feelings for Megha ji. I also love somebody. I will never ask for the position of Megha ji in your life." Samrat was shocked to know that she loves somebody so he said: "if you don't mind can you please tell me whom you love then I will arrange your marriage with him."

Patralekha left a heavy breath and said "I don't want to marry him. It's not necessary that every love has to be a fairy tale. Mine is a one-sided love and I want him to be happy in his life." Samrat sympathizes with her as he knows how it hurts to lose someone's love.

He said to her "I understand but why do you want to marry me? You can easily wait for some time to get the man who will love you. I really will not be able to. Your life will be a mess. You fell in a one-sided love with a person and now want to go for a loveless marriage. Why are you wasting your life?"

Patralekha sadly said "when my parents don't care about m lie why are you caring Samrat ji? I am habituated to these things. I always had to do those things that would make my parents happy and increase their reputation.

But this time I want to go with this marriage because of my love. From my teenage, I had a crush on Virat which later turned into one-sided love. I love Virat deeply but he loves Sai from the core of his heart. I want him to get his Sai his happiness, he will not be able to live without Sai. and my father will never let them get married and stay peacefully if you don't marry me. That is why I am requesting you. I am assuring you that I will not hamper your life and will soon go out of it."

There was silence on both sides, after the initial shock Samrat asked her "Does Virat know it?" Patralekha replied "Both Virat and Sai know and these idiots are grateful for this but I am doing it for myself as I will be happy seeing them happy." after this conversation with Patralekha Samrat bid her bye and come back to his daughter's bed.

When his daughter woke up he asked her "do you miss your mamma princess?" she instantly said yes. Samrat again asked, "do you want a new Mamma?" Riya said, "I am fine with my daddies and Karishma kaku but a new mamma is not essential it would be okay if she is good and takes care of me." Samrat smiled listening to his daughter's oldie-like words and said "My dadi amma." she gave her father a tooth smile. Samrat asked, "What do you think about how We make Patralekha aunty your new mamma?" Riya pretends to think and then said "she is not bad. We can actually." Samrat ticked Riya and both laughed.

At the breakfast table, Samrat said that he agreed to marry Patralekha. Virat, Sai, and the whole family opposed but he finally convinced them. When they informed the Patil family they were shocked. Actually, they wanted only Virat as their son-in-law but gave the condition as they thought that Samrat will never agree with it. Now they don't have another option so they half-heartedly agreed and curse Sai.

The next day comes to Chavan Nivas to fix the date. After matching their kundli the kulpurahit of Patils fix the marriage of Samrat and Patralekha three months later. He also advised them to perform the engagement the next day. It was a family-only event. After the engagement, Sai's family come to Chavan Nivas and after all the discussion the elders fixed the wedding 1 month later. They decided on engagement, marriage in Mumbai, and reception in Nagpur. 

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