Chapter -5- unfair affairs of life.

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After coming out of Sai's home, Virat feel that the whole life is meaningless but he has important work in hand. After coming back to his flat he called Patralekha. 

Patralekha was upset with Virat's behavior. Though she was telling herself that it's his nature but still it was painful so when she received Virat's call that day suddenly she was surprised and happy. 

Virat said her "are you free now I want to discuss something important with you can you please meet me? I can come next week to Mumbai but please dont tell anyone from home about me oming there as I need to come back at the same day.”

Patralekha understood that Virat really wants to discuss something very important and she said “Oh actually tomorrow I am going to Pune and I will be there for 2 days.” Virat scheduled the meeting with her in Pune day after next day. 

At the schedule day the met is a cafe. Virat was feeling bad that he needs to say all these to Patraekha bt he really cant hide these from her. Patralekha als some how understood that the meeting is not going to smooth and about some bad news. Virat was never too much interested in her and last ime he behaved oddly with her, he never ever called her to meet and this urgent meeting doesnt sounds good to her. When she saw that Virat was nervous, sad and clueless about how to start she with great difffiulty and pain said “do you want to break our engagement??” 

Virat was shocked listening to her. He was really confused regarding how to start the conversation but now as an answer to her question he said “No, I am here for some confession, I will leave the decision part to you.” she sat straight after listening to him as it made her curious and said “I know you dont consider me as friend but you can freely tell me anything and everything because for me ever relationship’s base is friendship.” 

Virat smiled sadly and started “thanks Patralekha for trying to mae me easy. I was very close to my Megha Di. for society she was my sister in law but for us we were brother and sister. After her demise Dada and I were colpletely broken. it took a lot of time for Dada, me and the whole family to finally cope up with that. I was not interested in marriage but my family reminded me that it was my Megha Di’s wish to see me settled so agreed and gave the responsibility to chose the bride. They chose you and I was okey with it. But I didnt feel any excitement or interest it was just a responsibility for me. I got engaged to hpnor Megha Di’s wish and family’s happiness.” 

Virat stopped at that moment and Pakhi said “Thank you for being honest with me. I guessed that you were not much interested but couldnt understand wy you were going through it.” 

Virat smiled sadly again and continued “ then come the twist in the story i got transfer in Mumbai and Dada arranged my staying with Megha di’s aunt’s house for a few initial days till I find a good place for myself. Here I met again Megha Di’s cousin sister Sai. we connect instantly as both of us were close to Megha Di and her bubbly nature, trying to cheering me up, passion for work, friendly behaviour and our common interests travel and food made us friends in a very short time. I didnt understand when and how but I fell in love with her. I love her a lot, she also loves me but she wants us to move apart. She wants me to move on with you as I am committed to marry you. I think I should tell you everything. I will always love her, If I get married to you then also my heart will belong to her. It’s not I will continue my extramartal affair wth her. I will be honest to you but emotionally I wil be connected to her if I dnt meet her my enteir life also. Thats it. Now ball is in your court what wili you decide that will happen.”

Pakhi’s face was already tear stained when he finished. She with a difficulty said “you said your side of story tell me tell mine. I was 15 when I saw you with Nagesh uncle. He introduced you and said you were in your 1st year of college. I got infatuated with you, I started to imagine you in my life. You were crush of a teenage Pakhi. 

Times moves on my father transferred from Nagpur and our family’s connection got lost after Nagesh uncle’s death. I never had any relationship in my colege  as I set an bar seeing you. When I was in second you you cought a group of terrorists and your photoes came in news. I started to hero worship you and dont know when I fell in love with you. I know its my one sided love but still its love. I started to collect your pictures published in news for your bravery. 

Then after years one day Bhabani aunty came to our house and brought your marriage proposal for me. I was in cloud nine. The man who was my first crush, my hero, my love is going to be my husband. I was supper happy at the time of our sgun when I  met you again. I saw you have changed from your jovial seft to a less speaking man with personality. I thought that your profession made that and I was okey with it. You gave very less time to me I was okey at the day of engagement, when I was eager to spend time with you, you were bus with your friends and family I assumed as you get less time with them you were doing that. Your less calls or massage I took as your profession and tiredness. 

And today when first time we are actually talking properly you are confessing you were marrying me without interest and for your family. I was just a responsibility to you. And now I get to know that you love somebody else if you mary me you will do that because yur love Sai wants you to fulfl your commitment. 

Life is really unfair. Why life brought you in my life if this has to come later! Why you agreed when you were never interested! Now instead of dumping your decision you are givi the ball i my caurt. 

Fine, now the situation is I love you, you love Sai, Sai loves you but wants you to marry me. Within 2 weeks our kulguru is coing to fix date of our marriage. You have 2 weeks if you can make your Sai agree to be with you then I will break the marriage. But if Kulguru fix the marriage date and my father announces it to whole world then you will be struck with me. I love you and want you to get your love but I also love my father so cant turkish his reputation. 

Go and make Sai agree before the date is fixed. Best of luck.” 

He was really glad hearing Pakhi’s words but couldnt help but ask “why are you letting me go?” she replied “because I know the pain of not getting my love and dont want you to feel that.” saying this she get ut of the cafe holding her head high.

When Virat returned Mumbai he heard that Sai left for a medical camp for 1 month. 

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