Chapter 9- Virat saves Sai but ......

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Sai havent noticed the iron rod approaching her head as she was busy fighting with another man. But others shouted “Dr. Joshi watch out” they all knew that if this heavy rod hit hr head then it will be difficult to have her life. Suddenly they heard sould of firing and the man’s shout. The rod fell yo the ground from his hand. They al looked towards the door of the room and they saw a young police officer in black is standing there with a gun pointed towards the man who is holding her blooded hand with other hand. 

Sai uttered with surprise and joy “Virat. Virat you are here.” Virat told all the catitative without looking away from the three goons present in the room“Come on, come out quickly. Sai stop fighting, leave the goon. Police will take care.” 

Soon all the captatives stood up and walk towards the door. Last was Sai. suddenly the man Virat injured threw a with bladed knife towars Sai. Virat pulled her away from the way of the knife. He was able to save Sai but it landed on his chest, blood started to flow like a waterfll. Sai shouted “Virat….” the goons started to run outside as soon as they say Virat injured. The man whome Virat shot picked up a knife nearby and hit Virat agin. But they could not ran away as other police officers came running hearing Virat’s name. They captured the goons and Virat fell down unconscious. 

There were two more police officers of the rescue team injureby the goons. All of them were quickly shafted to the temporary medical camp for emergency. Sai and Dr. Agnihotri gave fast aid and then they were shifted to Multispeciality hospital of Mumbai. Sai didnt leave Vrat’s side from the moment he was injured. It felt like her whole world crushed. On the way to Mumbai superspeciality Sai preyed to her bappa continuously to keep Virat safe. She really cant bare if anything happens to him. 

It was Sai’s hospital where Virat and other two plice officers were admitted. Family members of other police offecers were present there in the hospital bur nobody from Virat’s family yet reached there though Samrat and Mohit are on the way from Nagpur. Sai’s father was there in the hospital as a DSP. as soon as she saw him she ran to him and rugged him tightly. She said him while crying badly“Baba Virat … he was trying to save me and took the blow. The blow was for me.” 

He consoled her an asked to go home but she refused. She said she will be staying at Virat’s side till he is out of danger and get well. Her father knows her well that she cares for the persons whom she loves so dont insist more ad allowed to stay there. 

Virat’s condition was serious and he has been put into  ICU. Sai was always there to se beside him without thinking about herself. She was off duty and was there as Virat’s friend only. She kept fast and prayed for Virat’s wellbeing. Her friends seniors all assured her that they will take good care of Virat she can take some rest but she refused. She couldnt make them understand that she will neer be at peace till Virat is fit and fine. 

Sai looked towards the man she loves. She was thinking to leave him and move on but in this moment when he is fighting for his life she understands she really can't move on without him. 

In the afternoon Samrat and Mohit reached and saw Sai seating with Virat. As soon as she saw them she started crying again. Samrat pulled her out of Virat’s cabin leaving Mohit there. 

Next morning Virat get conscious for the first time and found Sai there seating beside him and looking towards his face. She was looking extremely tired and her eyes were continuously shedding tears. 

His eyes adjusted in light and then he said slowly "Sai…" Sai also hold his hand kissed it and said "thank you bappa for keeping him safe." 

Virat told "why are you confusing Bappa now?? You wanted to live without me and I told bappa that I don't want my life without you. So he was solving the problem. If I am not in this world then all the problems will be solved." 

She covered his mouth with her palm and said "in last 24 hours I understand I can't leave without you. I Love you. I want to live my whole life with you. I will never say you to move in without me. I will fight for you. I love you so much"

Sai kissed his forehead and kept her forehead in his.

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