Chapter 12- Samrat Knows the story

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Virat is fit and fine now and the doctor gave him permission to join duty. So finally, Virat planned to shift back to his apartment. Sai helped him to shift his things and settle back there by helping him cleaning and arranging. 

Samrat had to go to Mumbai for some official work. He went to meet Virat in Joshi house and came to know that Virat shifted back to his apartment. So Samrat thought of giving his Shiva a surprise. So he brought Virat's favorite food and go to his apartment.

He had a spare key to Virat's apartment so he didn't ring the bell and opened the door with that key. When he entered he heard a sound from the kitchen. After keeping his bag and food in the drawing room table he went to the kitchen silently.

He came here to surprise Virat but The scene in front of him gave him the shock of a lifetime. Inside the kitchen he found Sai cooking while Virat held her in a back hug and occasionally nuzzled her neck and was kissing her face, neck, shoulder. 

Samrat stumbled in the door and made a bang. With the sound both Virat and Sai turned and got shocked seeing him there. Sai quickly off the gas and came out of Virat's grip who forgot to release her and rushed to Samrat "Jiju when did you come??" 

Samrat walked out of the kitchen while lovebirds followed him. after seating in the sofa he said "I came to surprise Virat but you two surprised me. Have your cooking finished??" 

Sai nodded her head in agreement and Samrat forward the food packet saying "bring this along with tea then we will talk in a cool head. I am hungry" 

When Sai ran to the kitchen to make tea and bring some food Samrat looked towards Virat "now I can see the expression of a man in love in your eyes." Virat said "yes Jeeva now I also understand your words of love. I called you to tell you this yesterday only but you were busy." 

Samrat smiled yes Virat called him last night and wanted to discuss something important but he avoided that as he wanted to discuss it in person. 

After Sai brought some food and tea for all, Virat and Sai told Samrat everything. From their friendship in the beginning to their fight to confession and lastly their meeting and discussion with Patralekha. 

After knowing that Patralekha knows about and supports Virat and Sai's relationship Samrat felt a bit relieved. Though they have a big tough task of making family members agree for this relationship in hand they are saved from handling a broken heart would be bride. 

He called Patralekha and asked about her visit in Mumbai and discussion with Virat and Sai. She being an intelligent girl she understood that Samrat knows everything. She clearly told him everything and her support towards their relationship.

He scolds them for not  telling it beforehand but also starts to plan how to break the news in front of three families. He knows very well the pain of losing his love so he can't let these two of his loved one suffer from the same pain. 

Samrat planned to tell Joshi's first ad that they are in Mumbai already. Then they will go to Nagpur and tell the Chavan family and lastly they will inform Patralekha's family. 

Sunny and Patralekha were also present in the planning committee over video conference. They also planned that if the families don't agree then they will make the couple married without the consent of families also. Virat and Sai disagree with this plan as they want to get married with blessings of their elders. 

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