Chapter 17- Patralekha at Chavan Nivas

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After Virat and Sai's marriage Mr. Sailesh Patil felt insecure and angry. He never thought that the Chavan family will decide to get Virat and Sai married so soon and before Samrat and Patralekha's marriage. He became afraid that Chavans will go against their words and will break the marriage as Samrat was marrying Paralekha so that Virat can marry his love, Sai.

The next day of reception Mr. Patil with his family come to Chavan Nivas. All the elders were shocked to see them in the morning. Bhabani asked "Yes Sailesh ji you all at this time? What can we do for you?" Mrs. Patil answered "oh actually we thought that you had a big function in the house and there are so many functions like Kuldevi puja, and Mukh dikhayi rituals left also. So we are here to help you all. Pakhi is your would-be daughter-in-law she should help you all. We think it will be good if Pakhi stays here and help you."

Bhabani was first shocked to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Patil want their daughter to stay in her would-be-in-law's house to help them. Ashwini and Sonali tried to protest but Bhabani stopped them as she understood the insecurity of Mr. and Mrs. Patil and also understood that if they don't agree on they can create trouble for the Chavans. She with a forced smile said "That's very nice of you Mrs. Patil. We will be happy that Patralekha will stay with us and will help us. We have become old and so tired. Sai is a new bride and she has to go through so many rituals she also must be tired also. Sonali, please show Patraleka a room. Ashwini please serve some tea to Mr. and Mrs. Patil they need to go home also."

Mr. and Mrs. Patil were shocked to hear this. They never thought that Chavans will straight cut said them to go after keeping Patralekha. Mrs. Patil thought that she will also stay a few days with her daughter but Bhabani denied it politely.

Patralekha started to stay with the Chavans. Bhabani asked her to help Sai to get ready for Kuldevi Puja, Paheli Rasui, and Mukh dekhai. She helped Sai and also other family members with the arrangement of the functions and daily works of the house. Though members of Chavan Nivas were irritated and angry with Mr. and Mrs. Patil still they become impressed by Patralekha's polite behavior, helpful nature and efficiency of work.

She tried to spend a lot of time with little Riya but the little one was very much happy after getting her mausi in the house and wanted to spend her whole day with her only. Sai also started to spend time with both Riya and Patralekha so that Riya become easy and comfortable with Patralekha. After a lot of effort finally, the little girl come around and started to become close to Patralekha. 

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