Chapter -4-Virat and Sai realise their feelings for each other

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Virat felt uneasy and annoyed around Patralekha so he started to avoid her. Though as a engaged person Patralekha tried to spend time with Virat and he turned that into something else. He spend maximum time with Suhani and Riya. when family planned a outing of Virat and Patralekha he transformed it as family picnic. When Patralekha planned a shopping trip Virat included all the ladies in that. When he was invited in Patralekha’s home for dinner he made some other plan to avoid it. 

Two person noticed all these closely his brother Samrat and his childhood buddy Sunny. When Samrat tried to talk with him Virat avoided the talk as he vey well understand what Samrat wants and he was not rady to talk about Patralekha. One day Sunny took him to their secret meeting place for boys timeout and started the much needed talk.

Sunny said “whats goig on Virat? From te moment you came hme I am watching you and your worried behavior towards Patralekha. I know that you never loved her but you were ok with the fact that you are going to marry her. You were okey with she being around you. You were not avoiding her? But now you are behaving oddl with her. Whenever she is around you are irritated, you are running away from her? Whenever the marriage talk s going on you are getting away from it or diverting the topic? What the hell is all these?” 

Sunny took a breath after saing so many things an looked towards Virat qustaningly. Virat defensively said “Dada asked you to talk with me regarding this?” Sunny was irritated by now “I have eyes Virat I an see the differences. It looks like yo dont want this marriage anymore. If that is the matter then you need to open up about it. Avoiding the matter will make it worse.”

This time Virat said “yes you are right I dont want to marry her. I dont feel anything for her. Infant I feel uncomfortable near her.” Sunny in an accusing tone said “everyone asked you before engagement. You said its ok. You were not uncomfortable then? All these new things are happening after your posting in Mumbai. Fom my friends there I come to know that one girl is coming to meet you regularly. Is that girl responsible for all tese new development?” 

Virat was angry by then and said “her name is Sai. she is my friend and Megha Bahini’s sister. Dont blame her she is a wonderful girl.” Sunny smiled a little and said “Oh really so you made friendship with Megha bahini’s sister. Say something about her? Is she as beautiful as Megha Bahini.” Virat cal down ans sid “Sai is very beautiful. Her eyes are big doe shaped brown actually chocolate color, her lips are cherry red, her expression, funny talks her talen, intelligence everything about her is so damm good. She has ……..” and he talked about her dozens. 

When Virat stopped with a smile n his lips Sunny said “wao so the man will be luck who will marry her.” Vrt was annoyed “why this wedding talks are coming she is a brilliant doctor and she wants to pursue her career now. Nobody is thinking about her marriage.”Sunny said “ok. But Alka aunty will oneda want her daughter to settle and Sai will also fall for somebody. She will surely tell you and I know you will dance a lot in her wedding.” 

Virat imagined Sai’s wedding is happening in front of him and fell immense pain. He understood is feelings for Sai is not only friendship. He fell in his knees and  mouthed “I love Sai. I damm fell in love with Sai. Sai you won my heart.” 

Sunny come and keep a hand in Virat’s shoulder and said “Now what will you do Viru?” Virat responded “I dont know yaar I realy dont know the whole situation is so frequicking complecaed. I feel helpless I need to talk to Sai.” 

On the other hand one day Sai was enjoying lunch break wth her colleagues and one of them ws telling her love story. While she was describing the pase she realised she fell in love Sai could relate her feelings for Virat with that and realize that she fell for her best friend who is already engaged with somebody else. She understood that Virat also has feelings for her. But she also know they don't have a right to play with another woman’s emotion so they have to stay away from each other as they dont have any future together. 

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