Chapter -2- Virat and Sai

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Virat reached Mumbai. There Samrat arranged Virat o stay at Megha’s aunt Dr. Alka Joshi’s house for a few days. Coincidently Alka Joshi’s husband Kamal Joshi was Virat’s immediate boss and was very fond of him. There he also met their daughter Sai who just joned as a doctor in one of the medical college of Mumbai after finishig her PG in Cardiology. 

Sai is a bubly girl she loves to share her day in dining table. She really can't see anybody sulking in front of her so when she found Virat missing his family she tried to cheer him up by various funny acts of her and soon they become friends. 

After 7 days Virat find a place to leave but the Joshi couple fell affectionate towards him. He make them remember their son Sagar who is an army officer and is away from home. So though Virat shifted to a flat but maximum days he end up being present in the dinner table of Joshi family. 

It did not take much time for Virat and Sai to bond and share secrets with each other. There was another thing which binded them closely. Sai was Megha’s cousin and she loved her Megha Tai dearly. On the otherhand Virat and Megha shared a geat bond like brother and sister so they used to talk about Megha for long time. 

one day during dinner Sai got a call from hospital regarding an emergency and Virat volunteered to drop her off. Soon it was regular for people to witness Sai in back seat of Virat’s bike going to hospital or coming back from there. She sometimes drop to Virat’s police station also to share a coffe or pick him up after his duty hours.

Sai took the responsibility to be Virat’s guide for Mumbai Darshan and gave him a month long elaborated tour. They also share a common interest of exploring various kinds of food so in each weekend they explore the allies of Mumbai in hunt of various famous dishes of Mumbai. They explored posh restaurants as well as street food stalls, infact they didnt leave the canteen of sai’s hospital or the shop opposite to Virat's office. 

Virat remained busy in his duty, talking with his family and spending time with his new friend Sai. Among all these he forgot his finance Patralekha. They rarely talked though Patralekha eagerly wait for his calls. She wanted to talk to him but didnt called much as she thought he might be busy. It also happened that sometime he forgot to reply Patralekha’s massages for chatting or spending time with Sai. 

Its been three months and Virat didnt get a long vacation so he did went to Nagpur. So one day Samrat come to Mumbai with Riya for 3 days. As cute little Riya was dear to everybody so she got all the pampering. Samrat noticed the elderly couple’s love and affection for his brother and become relaxed about him. He also listen stories about Virat and Sai’s friendship. That time Virat and Sai had such duty schedule that they didnt get much time off at the same time so Samrat didn’t witnessed them spending time together or their bonding. 

Samrat was shocked witnessing Virat’s less interest regrdig Patralekha. As a newly engaged and soon to be married couple it was natural for them to try to know each other. He has seen Mohit and Karishma. Their marriage was also an arranged marriage and he has seen how Mohit was always in phone with Karishma, how the couple use to look towards each other or how they used to try to spend as much time as they can with each other after engagement.

And here Virat is not interested at all. Virat asked him about everyone back Nagpur except Patralekha and it looks he forgot that he has a fiance. He talked with Virat and tried to make him understand to try to know about Patralekha and talk wit her. Virat said “Dada I am not interested in her I am marring her as per family’s wish. Before people used to met their partners after marriage only so we will also manage.” Samrat left a long breath and changed the topic. 

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