Chapter 13- Stopping the wedding

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Things don't go as per the plan. Suddenly the Kul purohit of Patil family visited next da. He was scheduled to come days later. The elders become happy and requested him to chose a date for the wedding. Chavan's come to Patil house for the ospecios occasion. Patralekha was alone present there. So she went ibravely in front of all the elders and said "I am sorry to interrupt you but I dont want to marry Virat. We are neither compatible nor we are right for each other. We dont feel anything for each other."

All the elders were shocked. They never ever can emagine in their wildest dream also that Patralekha can oppose the wedding and can say it in front of everybody. Obviously her parents were angry with her regardin this. Bhabani and other Chavans were also irritated with the happenings. So that they canceled the fixing of date and return. Ninad called Virat and Samrat home as soon as possible to discuss things. They also come to know the whole matter from Ptralekha.

Virat, Samrat and Sai in the meantime confessed everything in front of Kamal and Alka Joshi. They were hurt, they trusted the children an let them hangout freely and all these happened. Alka was aggry with her daughter. Samrat made them understand that Virat and Sai never did anything inensionaly it hapene. They understood but said they will only approve if Chavan family approved the relationship.

After dealing Joshis trio start for Nagpur. Chavans were waiting for Samrat and Virat but they didnt expected Sai there with them. All of them know Sai as Megha's cousin and like her. They also know that Sai is Virat's good friend so they think that she came here to support Virat. Patralekha and family were also called in Chavan House for the discussion. Sunny was also present there as Virat's best friend.

Patralekha greet Virat, Sunny and Samrat with a hello but hugged Sai shocking her parents. They were already uncomfortable to discuss sensitive family matter in front of outsiders like Sunny and Sai and Patalekha's this gesture offended them more.

Ninad was a military man and dont like to strech a matter so he directly said "Virat few days ago we went to Sailesh dada's house to fix your and Patralekha's wedding date. That day Patralekha objected from marriage saying that you two are not compatible and do have any feelings for each other. Am I right Patralekha?"

Patraleka nodded and he continued "we heard her version and want to know what do you think about it." Virat looked straight towards his father and said "I also feel like this. I dont want to go forward with this marriage. Infact it was I who told Patralekha that I dont want to marry her."

All the members were shocked the scenario changed completely within a few minutes from Patraleka Virat become the culprit. Ashwini this time asked "Why dont you want to marry Patralekha? Give a valid reason. Dont give the lame reason that yu ont have any feelings for her. In case of arranged marriage maximum people develop feelings after marriage with time. You was okey with it when the alliance get fixed. We asked you again and again. An if you want to back out from the wedding after engagement now then there should be a valid reason."

Virat know that his parents dont like nonsense and lame excuses so he bravely said "I dont want to marry Patralekha because I fell in love with Sai. if we get married then three lives will be destroyed. Patralekha knew about our relationship thats why she objected from the marriage."

All the elders looked towards Virat and Sai. Both of them were looking brave towards other ready to face the world. Sailesh said "you two destroyed my daughter's life." but Ninad stopped him and said one word to the couple "Explain" this time Samrat took the matter in his hand and said the whole story. They looked towards Sai with a new found respect and admiration. After finishing the story Samrat said "I know the situation is not good and reputation is at stack but please think about these three people. Would you want a loveless marriage for your children? Plese break the wedding and accept Virat and Sai."

Ninad said "I lik Sai and after listening everything I admire her more. She is ver similar with Megha. You should have said us before." Ashwini also adrred with this. This time Virat said "Dad we were shorting the things. After Sai finally accepted we wanted to talk with Patralekha first. Then Suny and Jeeva come to know. We informed Kamal Uncle and Alka anty and they said that they will only accept us if you accept our relationship."

Sailesh become mad seeing Ninad and Ashwini accepting relationship of Virat and Sai and openly showing affection towards Sai. he said "Well you first thought that you will be okey will arrange marriage and said yes for the alliance with our Pakhi. Then you thought that lets keep aside the feelings perform your duty towards your would be wife. You did the engagement for happiness of your family. Then you went to Mumbai and met Dr. Sai Joshi. You two fell in love with each other and want to spend your lives together. Thats why now you want to break your engagement with our Pakhi. Everything is about you here. Where is our daughter Pakhi?"

Pakhi replied "Baba he said everything to me. Never kept me in darkness. When he decided to marry for family's happiness then also he told me that he never feel for me its his family who likes me. He might will never love me but will do the duties. I agreed. When he fell for Sai he told me and gave me the option to marry him whill he will might his whole life love Sai or move on. I decided to move on towards a vrigh future rathar than get married with a man who loves somebody else. It was me who asked him to pursue Sai."

Sailesh fustratedly looked towards his daughter "wahat abou our family reputation Pakhi. All our relatives and neighbours know that you are engaged with Virat." Virat responded "I am ready to take all the blame tell them that I am not loyal thats why you broke the engagement."

This is the first time Bhabani spoke "And what about us Virat?" Samrat again said "Kaku please listen to me. You all know how much I love Megha and what y condition was after loosing Megha. How much pain I endured after her. Do you want the same pain for Virat and Sai? It was destiny who snatched my love and gave me pain. Do you want to be cause of Virat and Sai's pain?"

Bhabani looked towards angry frustrated Sailesh, crying Vaishali, worried Ninad, tensed Ashwini, hopeful Virat, Sai and questioning Samrat. She then said "I understand your point Samrat, I am ready to accept Virat and Sai's relationship but I have a condition."

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