Chapter 18- Sai and patralekha bonding

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Sai being the pampered only daughter of her parents and a career-oriented person doesnt know much about society, rituals and household corases. Though she knows cocking but as she isnt a fan of marathi cusine so she doesnt know how to cook much marathi dishes.

After the reception day all post marital rituals started. Though Chavans were not much interested doing all these rituals as they didnt want to burden their already tired son and daughter. But their relatives' interest and Mr. and Mrs. Patil's interference made them follow all the rituals. Sai doesnt know much about these things and felt confused. Patralekha come to her rescue in this condition.

The next day of reception was traditional Mukh dikhayi ritual was held in afternoon. As per ritual the new bride need to wear a traditional Paithani sharee in marathi style. Though Sai can wear a shree but she doesnt know how to wear a traditional paithani sharee in Marathi style. She sat with the sharee confusingly. She opened a youtube video showing how to wear a paithani sharee and tried but she failed everytime. She wanted to call Ashwini or Sonali to help her but both of them are busy attending the guests. At that moment Pakhi came in her rescue. Paki drap Sai's sharee beautifullly. She also made her ready in a traditional way.

After Sai got ready she also asked Pakhi to get ready. She helped Pakhi to get ready. The funcion went well but at the end a neibours of Chavans told to another lady "That girl you are seeing in pink sharee was first engaged to Virat. But later God knows what happened Virat married this girl and she is now engaged to Samrat." the other lady said "I heard that Virat get transferred after the engagement might be she tried her luck with Samrat. Who dont want to be elder daughter-in-law?"

Patralekha's mother started to cry silently and Pakhi tried to move away from the place. But Sai stopped her by holding her hand and said "aunty with due respect I would like to say that you should not comet on a topic what you dont know properly. You really cant asume things and blame anyone." the woman who commented asked "then what is the actual thing new bride?" Sai smiled "My name is Sai, call me by my name. Now comes to the topic, I am no obliged to tell you our family secret but still am clarifying thighs to clear Pakhi did so that you people dont blame her or her family.

You all know that Virat get transferred to Mumbai after engagement. Virat and Pakhi didi's engagement was an arranged relationship. In Mumbai I and Virat become friends and soon we feel in love. Its Pakhi didi's big heart that she sacrificed her relationship for our love later family fixed Pakhi didi and Samrat dada's engagement. So in this whole scenario if anybody are in fault then thats me and Virat not Paki didi."

The women are stunned they were shocked witnessing this incident. One elderly women told Bhabani "your new daughter-in-law is quite bold fearless." Bhabani smiled proudly and said "yes our Sai is fearless and she dont hesitate to stand for the right reason we are proud of her." then Bhabani looed towards the previous women and said "today we assembled here to celebrate a happy ocation to welcome our Sai here. If you cant be happy in our happiness then you can leave."

The unwanted women leave from the function and others cheered for both Sai and Pakhi. Pakhi thanked her and Sai pulled her for a tight hug. Pakhi's parents for the first time saw Sai in a new light with respect and gratefulness for supporting Pakhi and them among people.

Next day was Sai's first rasui function. Sai cooked an english breakfast, some pasta, chowmin and cake as desert. When Pakhi come to see her she was shocke to see the breakfast items. When Pakhi asked her regarding the items Sai told her she only knows to cook these. There is no time to cook a marathi breakfast platter. A smal talk with Sai and Pakhi understood that Sai knows a little bit to cook Modak, she has cooked this dish with her mother sometimes. So both of them together made modak.

When the table was laid Sai was afraid regarding what elders will think but everyone expected this except Mr. and Mrs. Patil. Riya and Harini become happy seeing pasta in breakfast. All happily eat the breakfast and blessed Sai. they also praised Sai's culinary skills as the taste was really good. Mr. and Mrs. Patil who like Indin cuisine only also ea the food made by Sai and appreciate her.

Sai and Pakhi spend a lot of time together. Pakhi teach Sai cooking Indian cuisine while Sai teach Pakhi to master her confidence and voice her opinion fearlessly. One day Pakhi told Sai "Sai do you remember that oneday you asked me if we can become friends? And I said that we cant." Sai nodded her head affirmatively and Pakhi continued "but today I want to ask today can we become friends now?" Sai gave her a bright smile and said "100 percent yes and I love you Pakhi didi. Now I consider you as my sister. After losing Megha di I get again a sister in you."

A happy tear rolled from Pakhi's eyes . She knew how special Megha is for Sai, Virat and Samrat. Getting a place as Megha's in any of their life is too much. After a few days Sai and Virat had to go back to Mumbai as it is their work place. Pakhi also went back to her home but Sai and Pakhi stay connected with each other. 

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