Chapter 8- Sai is in danger

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While all the preparation for rescuing the captives was going on outside inside the building condition of Sai and her companions was very bad. Their bags phones and other things were kept away from them.

Two young doctors were afraid and one had a nervous breakdown thinking about they have been kidnaped. Sai constantly was trying to keep them confident though she was not much confident enough. She didn't want to show the rioters that they are afraid.

She thought about her parents, brother, and Virat. She once thought that she might not see her loved ones again. She wanted to see Virat once. If she was alone she would have tried to escape but she is not alone there are more than five people with her. She knows that the people who kept them capitative were negotiating with the government for their safety. She kept faith in the Govt and knows that they will do something to rescue them. She told her companions that "Govt will do something to rescue us. We need to keep us strong and safe till then."

All of them tried to do as Sai said. they were seated together in one corner. But some of the goons were coming and looking towards the young girls lastly. Some of them used to pass bad comments regarding their body also. Ahana once gets mad listening to them but Sai controlled her saying that "we can't do anything. Don't listen to what shit they are doing. Our one mistake will push all of us in danger."

Goons gave them some food and water. Sai really don't want to eat those but the nurse said "Dr. Joshi we don't know how much time we have to stay here. We need our strength please eat." she doesn't oppose more and eat some.

After lunch, those goons who were looking towards Sai and the other lady doctors again come and seat near them. One of them tried to touch Sai's hand. Sai tried to pull her hand but he get more aggressive to touch her. Before he hold Sai's hand he was hit by their leader.

The leader told that man "Are you mad? Don't you know she is the daughter of DSP, if you do anything wrong with her then the police will search all of us and kill all of us one by one. Don't misbehave with her."

That man looked towards Sai again and said "ok boss we will not do anything with her. But she is very beautiful." leader pulled the man and took him outside the room.

As soon as the man was thrown out the girls felt relieved. But the relief is short-lived. After some time the man again come into the room and this time he was drunk. He looked towards them and said again "you girls for you today my boss slapped me. I will not leave you. Why should I leave you? you are beautiful girls and I like beautiful girls. Boss said not to touch DSP's daughter but not the other girls."

After saying this he pulled the hand of a young intern Sohini and tranced her hand lustily. Sai and Ahana pulled another hand from Sohini and it angered the man. He tried to pull Sohini and take her away from others. Sai stood up and pushed the man. For her safety, her father taught his daughter marshal art from childhood. She is a blackbelt in taekwondo. So the man couldn't resist her attack.

As soon as the man fell down his companions come to their friend's rescue. They had a fight with Sai. Sai injured many of them but she was also hurt by them. She had some cuts here and there as they attacked with knives and other weapons and Sai was fighting barehand.

At this moment there was a shout that "run run. Police attacked and entered inside the building. The drunk man got up finally. Other men were running away but he could not digest that they were hit by a lady. he felt ashamed and angry regarding that. So while Sai was busy fighting with another man he pulled a big iron rod and attempted Sai's head. 

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