Chapter 4- Sai avoids Virat and Virat tries to talk with her.

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After realizing her feelings for Virat Sai started to feel guilty. To her horror, she also understands Virat's feelings for her. She knew that Virat also fell in love with her but yet not understood. She cursed herself and her heart for falling in love with an engaged man. She very well knew he was engaged. In fact, her family was invited in his engagement. She was a witness to their engagement. She has seen Patralekha. How she could do this? A simple friendship and she fell for her friend.

A fight started between her logical mind and heart.

Her heart told "you were present in their engagement right? You have seen that they were not at all a lovey-dovey couple. In fact that da also he was busy with his friends and family rather than his newly engaged finance."

Her mind said " yes but he was responsible towards her. Might be for his family but he was performing his duties towards her and mostly he was not in love with someone else."

Heart spontaneously said "it was for family and only duty!! We should not marry a person who perform only duty. In that case, the girl will be saved from the person who doesn't love her."

Mind said "Megha tai waned to see her favorite devar married."

Heart responded "do you think Megha tai would like to see her favorite devor doesn't love his wife? Do you think she would have been happy with this development?"

Sai could not take this anymore so she shut both her mind and heart and took decisions with her head only. She decided to avoid him. When he returned after his holidays she kept her schedule busy so busy that it would tire her out and she doesn't get time for Virat anymore. She sometimes started to do double shifts triple shifts also. Her mother become hell angry with her for neglecting her own health and forced her to take a leave for two days. She could not negotiate as Dr. Alka is not only her mother but her boss also.

On the other hand, Virat was happy after realizing his feelings for Sai. he was at peace that he could understand his feelings better and was clear confusion of his own behavior. Now he understands the words of his Samrat dada regarding soul mate and love.

He and Sunny discussed a lot and he took a decision that he will first talk with Sai regarding hs feelings and then he will tell everything to Patralekha and their family. It doesnt matter if Sai feels the same or not but Ptralekha should know that he feels for someone else. Sunny wanted him to talk to Patralekha now but Virat wanted to talk to Sai first. So after coming back o Mumbai Virat was desperate to talk o Sai.

Vira was irritated. He wanted o talk to Sai but she was always super busy. It was unlike Sai she was either in the hospital or sleeping, Sai loves food and now she is not eating anything properly. Whenever he gets a chance to talk with her he asked her what happened and she said "work pressure." from Alka aunty he came to know that she is voluntarily doing other's shifts also. As per he knows her it means that she is running from herself. He clearly understands that she is hiding something from him. He also noticed that she is avoiding staying alone with him she always remains with one of her parents or friends around him. After analyzing her behaviour for a few days he understood that she also feels for her and that's why she is running away from him as well as herself.

On the day of Sai's leave, she was sitting in her room only while listening to some music. She first planned to go out with her college friends but after knowing that Virat is busy for the day with some important official work she decided to stay back in her room only.

Virat knew about her leave from Alka aunty so scheduled his duty that day and at the last moment changed it with one of his friend cum colleagues. He knew if Sai knows he is free that day then she will go out somewhere and he was desperate to talk with her as it was about their whole life.

Suddenly there was a knock in Sai's room and she said to come in casually as this time only house helps is there and she asked one of them to come to clean her room. But she was shocked to see Virat there. She composed herself and pretend to do something important on her phone. Virat took the phone from her hands keep it aside and said "we need to talk."

She understood that she can't avoid the talk anymore so brace herself for the toughest talk of her life. He said "I know Sai you very well know that I love you and I also know that you also feel for me. We are best friends but there are something more there. Something more intense. Sai I don't when this happened but with you I found the jovial naughty Virat back I want to live with you. I want to spend my whole life with you. And I know that you also want that."

Sai suddenly snapped "you are wrong I don't want that. I never want to play with another woman's heart and trust. Yes, I have committed a mistake no sin of dealing romantically for a friend who is engaged with someone else. I broke the code of friendship I am guilty of that. But I want to rectify and move on in my life. And you Virat how could you say al these to me? You are committed to Patralekha! Being a friend its my advice to you to move on and concentrate in your life with her."

Virat was shocked listening to her and said "I will talk to Patralekha and break the engagement then we can think"

But Sai didn't allow him to finish and said "Noooo I can't be the cause of anyone's broken relationship so forgive me. I want to move on and want to stay away from you. I will go for a medical camp and after hat will go to Delhi IIMS for higher education."

Virat couldn't believe his ears after composing himself said "Do whatever you please I will not force you but if you need me I am just a phone call away." and left the place without allowing Sai to say anything. 

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