Chapter-3- Sai and Virat miss each other

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Its nearly 5 months and Virat got a week long holiday. So Virat planned to go home. Everyone bac home was asking him when he would come there. Before leaving Virat asked Sai to help him to shop for everyone. So the evening they planned to do shopping and have there dinner together in a cafe as the will be away for 1 week. Sai helped him to chose gifts for everyone as per their tase. 

Sai was aware of many of Chavan family’s choices and preference because of her Megha Tai. virat as well forge about his finance. But Sai remembered so when after finishing othrs gifts Virat said “Done. Toys for Riya and Suhani, dresses, pens, and sweets. Now lets shop for you, uncle aunty and myself” 

Sai stopped him and said “Veer you hevn’t take anything for Pakhi?” Virat was shocked “who is Pakhi? And why should I buy gift for her?” Sa looked towards him open mouthed “Pakhi I mean Patralekha is your finance. Did you forget about her dumbo?” he said “ oh Patralekha! Is her pet name Pakhi? I didnt know” she said “you are mad.” 

Next day he went home his little princesses came running to him as soon as he entered. He picked them up and played with them. Later he met everybody and was annoyed to see Ptralekha there. He expected to spend some quality time with family. But seeing her he become stiff and self conscious. Everyone was happy with their gift. Patralekha also thanked for the beautiful Shaee. She told “Thank you Virat. This sharee is gorgeous and you have a great choice.” Virat surged and replied “you are welcome but its not my choice on of my friend selected this haree.” Patralekha was sad after listening this. 

Dinner table was filled with all and Patralekha was made sit beside him. She was trying to small talk with him. She was asking him about his work and Mmbai. Patralekha is a sot spoken shy sophisticated girl so her questions were much modest. Virat was answering but he was missing his bubly friend Sai, her excitement, funny faces and jokes etc. he finished dinner quickly and excused himself saying that he was tired. 

On the oter hand Sai missed Virat a lot. After racing Virat called her to give the news thats barely 2-3 minutes call thats how much they talked. She ws so habituated Virat picking her up from hospital she forget to book ca after her shift. At the dinner table she didnt talk much and retire to her room early making her parents tesed. 

She tried to read some medical journal, story books and tried to listen some music but nothing worked she could not concentrate on anything so she stopped trying and sat her window ledge and watch pictures of them remembering tier tie together. She understand that he went home after long time its natural he will be busy with family members, friends and finance. The thought of his finance fell a pang on her heart. She was ashtronished with this familiar pang she fell whenever she think about Virat’s finance Patralekha. 

She was shocked why she fell like this she knew that he was engaged when she met him and he is her friend, ok her close friend, her buddy, her …..

She coud not finish her thoughts as her mobile rang. She looked towards the caller ID and a smile aumetically came to her lips. She took the call in two rings only. As soon as she receive the call she here the cheerful voice of Virat saying “Hi Sai yaar, how are you? I missed you a lot. Thinkin about me?” she replied “I am fine. What will happen to me? And wh will I think about you?” 

Virat left a breath he was holding “actually I am not fine.” before he continue he listen Sai’s worried voice “what happend Virat?” he felt relieved after knowing that Sai is worried forhim so he continued “dont know yaar. I felt incomplete. I was thinking about you and our time all the time. All were there still I felt alone sometimes. I was annoyed when I wa teased about Patralekha.” and like that they continued to chat. 

When Virat heard the morning arti song of his Kaku he realised that its 5:30 am and he is still in phone with Sai. he wished her “Good Morning Sai.” she was shocked and noticed the light coming out through the narrow gap of carten. The wishe each other bye to catch up with some sleep before starting the day. 

Next day Virat texted Sai a lot many complained that he is glued with his phone in holidays also. Some people complained that he is too much workaholic and could not stay away from his office so catching up with work over phone. Virat plaed along as he thought it is a great excuse to chat with Sai. that night they chatted in video call as Virat was missing Sai and complained about not seeing her for long. 

Things continued like this till Virat’s vacation end and he returned to Mumbai. 

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