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"So Gerard, any new dreams to tell me about?" My therapist asked me.

I hated going to therapy, I hated that my parents made me go to therapy. I especially hated that they made me go to therapy even though we couldn't afford it. I knew deep down it's just because they wanted to get me out of the house as much as possible. They told me that if I didn't see Ms. Xar twice a week than the only people I would see would be in my dreams.

I had no problem with the people in my dreams. Plus I hangout with Mikey, when he's not with his idiot boyfriend. Chris, I fucking hate that douche bag, Mikey deserves better.

My parents tell me that they only have my best interests in mind but I call bullshit, I like sitting in my room, I like to stew in my own filth, I like being alone, I liked crying, or at least I did when I could.

"Gerard?" Margo questioned, she insisted I call her by her first name, it made me uncomfortable."What did you ask?" I responded, my voice cracking uncontrollably from having not spoken for 24 hours.

"Have you had any memorable dreams recently." "Yeah actually, last night," "Tell me about it."

I had dreams, I had scary vivid dreams. I could remember every small detail, except the one I wanted to remember the most.

"It was similar to the usual one, but he was closer this time, still though his face was blurred, it was like TV static this time. But there was a new addition. He had a tattoo, on his neck, very memorable. It was a scorpion."

Every other night or so I had the same dream, kind of. I was standing at the edge of a dark murky body of water. It stretched along for miles in either direction. Disembodied hands were clawing at my feet, coming up from the water. There were bats swooping around me, biting at my head and ears. The solitary sound was an ear splitting screeching coming from under water.

The only person not in the trying to drag me under was a man, he was across the body of water. He was there every time in the dream but in different places, never near me though, he would move closer and further. Sometimes he would be at the very edge of the land across from me, sometimes he would be so far away that I could barely see him.

The only thing about these dreams that was identical every time is he was always trying in some way to save me. He would try and distract the hands, he would throw stuff at them, he would try to block out the noise, and mostly he would try to talk to me. But when he opened his mouth, nothing came out, no noise, just the blur that covered his face distorting where I assumed his mouth would be. And every time his face was blurred in a different way.

Even without seeing his face, everything about him was alluring. He was utterly bewitching, he had incredible physique despite his petite frame, he had angelic hair, it was short with a sort of orange tint. He was covered neck to toe in tattoos, every dream it seemed as though he had new ones. He was astonishing.

"Did it bother you this time that you couldn't see his face?" "Not as much as usual, I was enticed by his tattoo, it was cool." "That's good to know, how did he try and save you this time?" "He threw a rock into the water, a few of the hands retreated but still, they were trying to drag me under."

"Interesting." She talked like a therapist, I know she is, but she really sounded like one. I wonder if therapists go to voice lessons, everything about her was quite lackluster, except for her bright pink hair. It was distracting.

"Anymore dreams I should know about?" "I mean there's been some new ones, nothing important though." "Alright, let's move on then. Are you excited to start college, you start on Monday right?" I grumbled as this thought was brought up to my cerebrum.

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